Chapter 34

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A few hours later, the two girls and their boyfriends were off to the airport. "It's too bad you guys couldn't come with us to our away games this week." Aiden said as Maddie leaned in his shoulder. "There's always a next time. But we're definitely going to be watching the games on tv." Maddie replied. "You better be because a Martin ne we missed a game!" Max replied looking at his sister through the rear view mirror.

When they arrived, they parked the car in the hangar where the team would be getting on the plane. They walked over towards the plane where some of the other players's families and girlfriends were saying bye to each other before the boys boarded the plane.

"Hey there's my favourite Martin and friends!" William greeted. "Hey Willy!" Maddie replied. "Where's your bags ladies? Not coming this time?" He asked. "Nope, I've got work and Maddie has her last bit of classes to attend." Stella replied. "Then it's graduation and I'm done!" Maddie smiled. "That's a bummer. I was  looking forward to hearing you guys cheer us on in the stands. But that's great you're almost done school Mads, then we can throw you a big grad party!" William smiled and replied.

"Even if we aren't at the games in person while you're out west, we'll be watching from home and cheering louder than ever." Maddie laughed. "Well I'm going to get in the plane now so I'll see the two of you when we get back." Will said before grabbing his carry on and climbing the stairs to the plane.

"Alright, we better get going. Eh buddy?" Max said to Aiden while giving him a little nudge. "Yeah, don't want to keep 'em waiting." Aiden replied. "Come here Stell." Max said bringing Stella in for a long hug. "Make sure you take care of each other while we're gone. Okay?" Max said as Stella whispered back. "Okay." Stella and Max parted ways from their long hug before Max brought his sister in for a big brother hug.

"Take care of Stell for me while we're on the road. Okay? And don't forget to cheer us in loudly while watching the game on tv." Max said as a muffled laugh escaped Maddie's lips. "Will do chief.." She replied. "I love you mini me." Max said into his sister's shoulder. "Love you too Maxie." She said before separating from their hug.

Next Maddie smiled at Aiden as he smiled back. "Come here princess." He said with open arms as she went into his strong arms for a hug. "I'll miss you while I'm gone." Aiden said running his hands through Maddie's hair. "I'm gonna miss you too." Maddie whispered back. "I'll see you when I get back okay? Then we can spend all our time together on our days off." Aiden said as Maddie whispered and okay into his chest. "I've got to go now. I love you." Aiden said. "I love you too." Maddie replied placing a soft kiss on his lips before they both let go of each other. The boys then walked towards the stairs and hopped on the plane as the girls watched them disappear.

When the girls got back from the airport, Maddie went upstairs to shower and change into some comfy pjs. When she came back down, Stella had a couple of snacks set out on the table for them to eat while they waited for their pizza to arrive. "Movie night?" She asked as Maddie smiled. "100%" Maddie replied grabbing a glass of water and a Pepsi out of the fridge and placing them down on the coffee table. "Start it OC with the classic White Chicks?" Stella asked. "Oh yeah!" Maddie exclaimed grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and pulling it over her.

As the girls were halfway through the movie, the doorbell rang signalling that the pizza had arrived. "I'll get it." Maddie said getting up off the couch and going to answer the front door while making sure Zeus didn't get out.

"Smells good!" Maddie said carrying the box of pizza to the table. "And looks good too!" Stella replied opening the box as Maddie laughed. "Alright back to the movie! Maddie said unpausing it as Zeus cuddled up to her.

"Hey buddy what's wrong?" She asked as Zeus put his head into her lap. "Awe he misses Max!" Stella said looking over. "Yeah, he does this whenever he knows Max is gone away for a few days or so." Maddie replied. "That's so cute."Stella gushed before taking a sip of her drink.

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