Chapter 35

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Meanwhile in Vancouver, the team's plane had landed and the boys were being transported by bus to their hotel. "Hey Marty, did ya text Stella and your sister to let them know we landed safely?" Jacob asked the young hockey player. "Thanks for the reminder Chief!" Max replied while pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I texted her when we landed but she hasn't answered me yet." Aiden said to his best friend. "Just sent her one, I'll text Stella too and ask her what they're up to. Maybe that will give you an answer."Max replied.

A few moments later, Max's phone buzzed and the screen lit up with a message from Stella. "Is it Mads?" Aiden asked. "Nope, it's Stell. She said they're having a movie night and Maddie fell asleep halfway through the second movie." Max replied. "And this is what Stella sent me to share with you." He added.

Max turned his phone around to show Aiden a picture of Maddie sound asleep on the couch underneath a blanket and one arm around the dog who was cuddled up to her sleeping too. "She's so cute." Aiden whispered. "She's got her big brother's looks." Max joked. "Yeah but she's better looking than you ya fool! Can you send me that pic?" Aiden asked. "Hey that hurt! And yeah sure." Max replied in a joking matter as the bus pulled up to the hotel. The boys both put their phones in their pockets and followed the rest of the team off the bus.

Back in Toronto, Maddie was stirring in her sleep until she woke up. "What time is it?" She asked before picking up her phone. "It's 11:45pm" Stella replied. "Did Max text you?" Maddie asked. "Yeah he texted you too but I told him what we were up to and that you didn't answer his text cause you fell asleep. Then I sent him a pic of you and Zeus sleeping." Stella replied. "I'll answer him now." She replied texting her brother back.

Later the next morning, Maddie woke up with Zeus laying next to her in bed. "Hey buddy, you ready for our morning run?" She asked him while scratching behind his ear. Maddie got up and threw on a dry fit sweater and leggings before grabbing her phone and keys off the nightstand. "Alright, let's go boy." She said as Zeus followed her down the stairs and waited by the front door for her while she left a note for Stella. "Okay come on buddy." She said opening the front door for the both of them.

While on their regular morning run,, Maddie's phone buzzed in her pocket. "Hold on a second Zeus." She said as the dog stopped and Maddie checked her phone. She she pulled it out of her pocket there were two texts waiting to be answered. The first one was Aiden saying good morning and asking what she was up to for the day while the second one was from her brother saying good morning and reminding her of their regular morning routine they usually do together when Max is home. Maddie quickly replied to both texts before putting her phone back in her pocket. "Okay Zeus, let's go boy." She exclaimed before going back to her steady jogging pace.

When Zeus and Maddie got back home, they went straight to the kitchen for breakfast. "Here ya go big boy!" Maddie said putting foot into Zeus's bowl. As Maddie was about to cut up some berries for the blender, her phone signed signalling a text message was coming in. Hey I saw your note on the counter and forgot to leave you one saying I had gone to work. So here it is by text! Hope you have a great day girl! It read from Stella. Maddie quickly typed back a reply before preparing the rest of the ingredients for her morning smoothie.

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