Chapter 8

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Maddie went into the room and dropped her bag in the floor before leaving the dressing room to wait for Max. "Alright, ready?" He asked stepping out of the team's dressing room as Maddie nodded and began walking away. "Hold on a minute, I forgot my water bottle."Max said before running back to the dressing room.

"Hey Maddie!" A voice said from behind her. Maddie turned around and found herself face to face with Aiden. "Oh hi Aiden." She said with a smile. "Here to watch practice today?" He asked. "Actually..." just as Maddie was about to tell Aiden she was practicing with them today, Max reappeared from the dressing room. "Alright now I'm ready let's go u.." Max looked up to see Aiden standing there. "Oh hey Stanley." He said "Hey man!" Aiden replied. "Mads come along for the ride today?" He asked. "As I was saying earlier , I'm actually practicing with you guys today!" Maddie replied. "Nice but fair warning! I'm going to kick ass in the scrimmage so watch out!" Aiden said smiling. "Oh really? We'll see about that!" Maddie smirked before she and Max went upstairs to start their gym training.

"Race you down to the dressing rooms!" Aiden said to Maddie after the team had finished their gym workout. "Alright, you've got yourself a deal AND loser has to skate laps before ice time!" Maddie replied as Max, Will and Cody appeared. "Deal!" Aiden agreed. "Hey coach! Want to start us off?" Will asked Scott. "Start you off with what?" He asked approaching his four players and the girl. "You see, Aiden here challenged my sister to a race to the locker rooms and whoever loses has to skate laps before practice starts." Max explained to his coach. "Alright sure! I'll count them down." Coach Scott replied. "Are we ready?" Maddie and Aiden both nodded. "On your marks...Get set...GO!" Scott shouted as Maddie and Aiden bolted out of the room and down the stairs towards the locker rooms.

"Ha! I win!" Maddie exclaimed as she high fives Cody before catching her breath. "Sorry bro, looks like you're skating laps before practice today." Cody said placing a hand in Aiden's shoulder. "Well I guess I'll have better luck next time." He replied as the rest of the team appeared and made their way to the dressing room to get into their practice gear. "So who won that one?" Coach asked. "Maddie did so Stan the man has to skate laps now!" Cody replied.

"Alright team, it's time for a scrimmage." Coach Scott said standing at centre ice while his players took a knee around him. "Blue jerseys on this side and white on the other." He said as the players separated onto each side. "Felix on the white team and Jason your on blue." He added. "Which side do you want me on Scott?" Maddie asked. "Well, white's down a player today so you can play with the white jerseys." He replied before telling each group to decide who's on the ice first.

"Want another challenge?" Aiden asked Maddie while grabbing his water bottle. "Sure, I'm always down for a challenge." She replied. "Okay, I'll tell you what... if I get past you 3 times during this scrimmage, you have to let me take you on an adventure of my choice." He said with a smirk. "Okay and if you don't get past me 3 times during this scrimmage then you have to buy me lunch after practice!" Maddie replied as heat rose to her face. "Deal!" He replied before going to take his place at centre ice. "Mads, you want to start on defence with Monte?" Max asked his sister. "Sure!" She said skating to the left side as the puck dropped for the scrimmage.

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