Chapter 23

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A few hours later, Jacob and Eryn came home to see a sleeping Maddie on the couch with Jace laying next to her wrapped up in her arms. "Oh my gosh, this is the cutest thing ever." Eryn whispered taking a picture of the two as Max turned his head and greeted the two. "Oh hey guys." He said. "Hey buddy, how was Jace? Everything go okay?" Jacob asked before Max gave them the rundown on how their afternoon with Jace was. "That's great!" Eryn said before Max gently woke his sister up. "Wake up kid, they're home." He said as Maddie woke up Max picked up Jace who was also starting to wake up.

On their way home, the brother and sister stopped at Memphis's place to drop off a couple of things he had left at their house. "Meg's going to come out and grab it. She said that Memphis is sleeping cause he's got a night shift." Maddie said as she grabbed the bag and got out of the car. "Hey Meg, how are you?" She greeted. "I'm good how about you guys?" She asked. "We're good. Just on the way home from babysitting." Maddie replied. "Nice! You got hockey tonight?" Meg asked as Maddie nodded in reply. She handed Meg the bag of stuff Memphis had left at their house before finishing the conversation and getting back in the car.

"Spaghetti for dinner tonight?" Max asked when they finally got home. "Sure thing!" Maddie replied before heading over to the couch and grabbing the blanket that laid across the back of the couch. "I'm going to have my pre-game nap now so if I'm not awake before dinner's ready can you please wake me up?" Maddie said to her brother as he replied. "Okay no problem." He said before going off to the basement to play some video games.

Around 4:30, Max came back upstairs and began to prepare dinner for him, Maddie and Stella who had just walked through the door. "Hey, I'm here!" She shouted coming down the hall as Max shushed her. "Mads is having her pre-game nap." He said as Stella looked over at the sleeping 20 year old who was cuddled up under a blanket with her pup. "Awe, she's so cute when she's sleeping!" Stella exclaimed in a soft tone. "Takes after her big brother!" Max replied as Stella let out a small laugh. "What?" Max questioned. "Oh nothing! Just keep an eye on the pasta okay babe." Stella replied squishing Max's cheeks and planting a soft kiss on his lips.

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