Chapter 25

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"Great job out there ladies! That's what I want to see!" The head coach said fist bumping the line that just came off the ice. "Yeah buddy! Great pass back across out there!" Maddie said giving Kylie a big smile and fist bump."Thanks!" Kylie replied.  "Do it again next shift!" Maddie said before adding "But this time from you, to me and I'll pas back to you!" Kylie smiled back at her line mate. "Deal!" Kylie replied before they hopped back in the ice for their next shift of the game.

"Look at them out there! They're kicking serious ass big time!" Stella said as the score was now 3-0 in the third period thanks to a goal from Kylie. "I mean Mads did learn from the best after all!" Max said. "Alright buddy, whatever floats your boat!" Aiden replied patting his best friend on the shoulder.

"Oh no! It's a 2 on 1." Aiden said as he watched the opposing team move into the zone leaving Maddie to protect the defensive zone before they can reach the net. "You've got it Mads! Shut 'Em down!" Max shouted as Maddie stuck to the centre man who had the puck. As Maddie put her stick out to poke check the puck away from the girl, the left winger who had skated in with the centre man had placed her stick between Maddie's legs and tripped her. "Oops... Looks like Max Martin's little sister choked." The girl said giving Maddie an evil grin. Maddie got back up and covered the same winger in front of the net. "Better watch yourself eyebrows, I might be small and Max Martin's sister but that won't stop me from kicking your non existent ass bitch." Maddie replied beginning to push the girl away from in front of the net.

"Uh oh, I'm feeling a fight about to break out here guys." Max said as Stella and Aiden looked at him confused. "And why do you say that babe?" Stella asked. "Because that girl full on tripped her and now Maddie's chirping back at her cause she's pissed and it wasn't called." Max replied as the girl Maddie was pushing away from the net began to check her from behind.

"Easy ladies easy!" The ref shouted to the two girls duelling in front of the net. "Back off!" Maddie shouted. "Don't tell me what to do bitch!" The girl spat back before checking Maddie from behind again causing Maddie to fall onto the ice. Before she got up, she took her stick and tripped the girl as the ref blew the whistle to signal penalties were about to be given. "Number 27 Red, 4 minutes for unsportsmanlike and number 16 white, 2 minutes for tripping!" The ref exclaimed sending both girls to the penalty box.

"Looks like mini Martin is a goon." Stella said to the boys. "Well, I don't think she gets that from me!" Max replied with a little laugh. "Looks like you've got yourself a goon Aiden." Max said patting his best friend on the shoulder. "Yep, that's my girl! " Aiden replied. "She's small but she's feisty!" Stella said.

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