Chapter 45

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"Alright, we're trailing behind by 2 points so we've gotta step it up out there boys!" Scott said. "Aiden, Max and Jacob, you guys start this period and remember to look for open opportunities." He added before the ref blew the whistle for the beginning of second period.

"Forecheck, back check, pay check bro!" Max exclaimed as he took his spot on the right wing. The ref dropped the puck and this time the Walleyes had possession of the puck and moved I got the Rockets zone. "On him!" The boys yelled from the bench as Aiden tried to take the puck off of his opponent who had passed it across to the centre man. "Take him Mont!" Jacob shouted as the centre man shot the puck only for Monte to block the shot and skate the puck up out of their defensive zone.

The first line took advantage of this time to do a quick line change as Monte played the puck across to Tyler before he turned back and switched off with Tyson. Once Tyler was in the Walleye zone with the puck, he looked for opportunités of possible plays. As the défense opponents moved in on him, he bounced the puck off the boards and it landed on Cody's stick.

After getting past the défense and the goalie, the puck found itself in the back of the net and the building erupted in a loud roar. "Yeah buddy!" Will shouted skating over to celebrate the goal with Cody and the rest of the line that was out on the ice. "That's what I'm talking about C town!" White exclaimed as the line skated over to the bench. "Keep it up boys!" Coach Scott said tapping the top of their helmets when the second line took their place on the bench.

There was now a minute left in the second period and the score was so close. "Down by one gentlemen, let's tie this period up!" Scott shouted before looking up at the scoreboard that showed the 4-3 score of the game.

"Girl, these boys are catching up!" Kylie said during the second intermission. "Oh yeah and hopefully they win tonight." Maddie replied before texting Aiden. "Ou you texting your man?" Kylie asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Maybe..." Maddie replied as blush crept onto her face.

"He says hi by the way." Maddie added. "Tell him I said hi back!" Kylie responds as Maddie typed away. "Now Stella'a texting me." Maddie said opening a text from Stella. "She's asking if we're still awake. I texted her and said we are but we're half asleep." Maddie said before Kylie replied. "That we are!"

As Maddie set her phone down, she looked up at the tv and saw Max being interviews by a sports broadcaster. "Hey, it's your brother!" Kylie exclaimed. "So tell us Max, what has motivated you to play the way that you do?" The man asked as Max wiped sweat from his forehead. "Well you know, obviously the energy the guys bring to this team and into the room every game and the fans' energy levels too have played a part in my performance out on the ice but my biggest motivation is my younger sister. We've been playing hockey since a young age and you know, some of those years on the same team and we have a routine we do together on game day which is kind of our thing. But yeah, overall she's my biggest motivation because she's always there to support and encourage me and I know that I do the best I can to do the same for her." Max replied.

"That's a pretty special bond you have there with your sister and I bet she's glad to have you as her brother." The reporter said as Max nodded. "Now, I'll let you get back to the locker room so you can get ready to go back out for the third period. Thank you for your time and good luck out there." The reporter said before pointing  the microphone back towards Max. "Thank you!" Max replied before walking away towards the team dressing room.

"Awe that was totally sibling goals!" Kylie squealed. "Only the best from the best! And ain't that the truth!" Maddie replied. "I am my brother's biggest fan and supporter." She added as they watched the camera turn towards the tunnel for the boys to hit the ice for the third period. "Aiden coming here after the game tonight?" Kylie asked. "No he's going home because he's got a family brunch in the morning." Maddie replied.

"His family's in town this weekend?" Kylie asked as Maddie nodded. "Yep, they came down for game 6." She replied as the third period was about to start. "Think they're gonna win tonight?" Maddie asked. "They better win if they want to go to round 2." Kylie exclaimed. "Well if they win tonight, the series will be tied." Maddie said as she watched Holland carry the puck into the Walleye zone.

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