Chapter 24

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After they had dinner, Aiden stopped by the house to pick Maddie up to take her to her game. "Mads, Aiden's here!" Max shouted as his sister ran down the stairs in her team jackets and her Leafs ball cap. "See you guys after the game!" She said opening the front door. "Good luck kiddo!" Max said before Maddie grabbed her stick and bag, heading out the door.

"Hey beautiful!" Aiden said once Maddie got into the passenger's seat.  "Hey handsome. How was your interview thing?" She asked as the car backed out of the driveway and onto the street. "It was good. They got me to do this thing where I put my hand inside a box and have to guess what's in there by touching it." He replied. "And how did that go?" Maddie asked. "Okay until the end." He said. "What happened at the end?" Maddie asked. "They freaked me out. They tricked me by putting a robotic snake inside the box." Aiden said. "At least it wasn't a real one! Those are creepy and gross!" Maddie replied.

When they arrived at the rink, Aiden pulled into a parking spot before popping the trunk open so Maddie could grab her gear. "Hi Maddie!" One of her teammates shouted before entering the building as Maddie turned and waved. "Got everything babe?" Aiden asked. "Yep all good!" She replied. "Go kick some ass out there!" Aiden said placing a kiss on Maddie's forehead before they made their way into the arena. "I'll see you after the game. I love you!" Maddie said before going into the dressing room.

"Hey guys!" Maddie greeted her teammates once she entered the dressing room. "Hey girl!" Kylie said greeting her best friend and defence partner. "I saw your Instagram post this morning. Girl that's cute!" Kylie said referring to Maddie's post about her and Aiden being an official couple. "Thanks! He came to watch us play tonight by the way." Maddie replied as blush crept across her face. "Awe that's totally goals!" Her best friend replied as the girls opened up their bags and began to get ready for their game.

"Oh I see your man over there Mads!" Kylie said nudging her best friend while they skated over into position for puck drop. Maddie waved to her brother, Stella and Aiden before the referee blew the whistle to signal the beginning of the first period.

"Allie play it back!" Maddie shouted to the centre man from her team. Allie played the puck back to Maddie and she began to skate into the opposing team's end with the puck. "Go Mads!" Max shouted from the stands as Maddie looked up for possible shots on net. Unable to find any openings or open teammates by the net, Maddie plays the puck across to Kylie as the left winger from the opposing team moves in on her while the right winger moved in on Kylie. "Shoot Kye!" Maddie shouted. Unable to find any open opportunities, Kylie plays the puck back to Maddie on the left defence.

"Shoot!" The crowd and coaches on the bench shout as Maddie raises her stick and puts all the power into her shot. A couple seconds later, the red blows the whistle and signals it's a goal. "YES!" Maddie exclaims as her teammates skate over to celebrate with her. On her way over to the bench for a shift change, Maddie looks over to the stand where the her brother, boyfriend and Stella were sitting. She points over to them as they clap and cheer for her, Aiden giving her a wink. The score was now 1-0 and the game was just getting started.

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