Chapter 67

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Meanwhile Maddie was grabbing her stuff from her locker as Brandon entered the staff room. "Maddie, there you are!" He said. "What's up?" She asked. "We normally don't do this for new crew members but since you're the newest member to our crew and one of the only ladies that works on our media crew, Jodie and I wanted to gift you this." He said handing her a picture frame with pictures of her first day on the job along with some of her best shots from tonight's game. "Oh my gosh, this is awesome! Thank you guys so much!" She exclaimed giving Brandon and Jodie a hug.

"You're welcome and we're glad to have you and your amazing talent as part of our team." Brandon smiled. "We also wanted you to have this. It's a USB with all the pictures you took throughout tonight's game. And maybe a couple picture of you in action I took while you weren't looking." Jodie said handing her the USB. "Oh my gosh, you guys honestly didn't have to do any of this! Thank you so much!" Maddie replied with a smile.

"Well Jodie's senior photographer and takes a few of the new crew members under her wing." Brandon said. "Only my favourites!" Jodie smiled at Maddie who smiled back. "You guys have a good night and I'll see you on Monday." Maddie said before heading down to the locker room to wait for Aiden.

"Hey there she is!" Max exclaimed once he saw his sister coming down the hall with the picture frame in her hand and camera bag on her back. "Whatcha got there?" Stella asked. "Brandon and Jodie put together a little gift for me and my first day on the job. It's a picture of me and around it are some of my best shots from tonight's game." She said showing them her gift. "Oh wow! These are amazing babe!" Aiden said joining his friends with William and Cody following behind. "It's even got a plaque with the date of your first day and everything." Stella pointed out.

"See you guys at the bar?" Cody asked as the small group parted ways in the parking lot. "Yep see you there buddy!" William shouted. "The bar?" Maddie asked confused. "Yeah, we're going for a couple drinks to celebrate your first day on the job and tonight's win of course." Max replied. "Okay, I'm down for that!" Maddie exclaimed. "We're all going home to change first." Aiden said as they arrived to his car that was parked right next to Max's jeep.

"Spending the night at our place tonight Stella?" Maddie asked. "Most likely." She smiled in reply as they drove home. "I can't make Monday's game by the way babe. I've got a family dinner for my grandma's birthday." Stella said as the car came to a stop at a red light. "That's fine. Like I've always said, family's always first and I totally understand if you can't make it to every game." Max replied.

Once home, Max quickly unpacked his gear and went to change while Stella let Zeus out to use the washroom as she waited for the two siblings to come down so they could leave again. "Max is almost ready. He's just looking for a jacket to go with his outfit." Maddie said sitting down at the island and taking a bite from an apple. "Okay, no worries. I let Zeus outside for a bit while I was waiting." Stella said opening the door and letting the dog back into the house. "Girl, you look nice!" She said when she saw Maddie's cute outfit. "Thanks, got this shirt from H & M!" She replied as Max came down. "Okay, let's go!" He said grabbing his keys off the counter.

"Mads you staying at Aiden's tonight?" Max asked pulling out of the driveway. "I'm not sure what's happening yet. But most likely yeah." She replied.

"Over here!" Tyler shouted once he spotted the three walking along the sidewalk. "Hey Johnson!" Max greeted with a bro handshake. "You guys ready to party?" Cody asked. "Hell yeah!" Stella replied. "Ah there's my girl!" Aiden exclaimed as he approached his friend group and wrapped his arm around Maddie.

Once everyone was there, the group entered the bar and made their way over towards the back where they had booked a private party room. "Ladies, shall we go hit the dance floor?" Paige asked with a smile on her face. "Of course!" Stella squealed. "Be careful out there." Aiden whispered into Maddie's ear before giving her a kiss. "Come on Mads!" Stella exclaimed taking her by the hand and dragging her away from the party room and toward the dance floor.

"I'm going to grab us a round of beers." William said. "Here, I'll come help ya buddy." Zach said following him off the the bar. "So, Maddie had a great first day today?" Felix asked taking a seat across from Max. "Yeah, she really enjoyed it." Max replied. "That's nice! I saw some of her work before I left the arena. She's got some really impressive skills!" Felix said. "Yep, she's always had that spark for photography in her, that's for sure." Max replied.

"Alright, who wants a beer?" Zach asked holding up a couple beers in the air. "I'll take one here man." Aiden replied. "Same here brother!" Tyler said. "Max, Felix?" Will asked. "Nah I'm good for now thanks." Max replied. "Thanks Willy!" Felix said taking one from Will's hand. "No problem man!" He replied.

"I'm going to get a drink from the bar, I'll be right back." Maddie said to the girls over the loud music. "Wait! I'll come with you!" Stella said holding onto Maddie's arm. "What are we going to have?" Stella asked as they sat down at the bar calling the bar tender over so they could order their drinks. "Two breezers please." Maddie said to the bar tender. "Coming right up ladies." He said.

"Mads, look who's hitting up the dance floor." Stella said as she turned Maddie around to see Aiden, Max and Cody walking into the dance floor. "Oh my god... Prepare to be embarrassed!" Maddie laughed watching them dancing. "Here you are ladies." The bar tender said returning with the two drinks in his hand. "Thank you." They smiled before going over to their friends to dance with them some more.

"There you are! Where'd you to run off to?" Aiden asked wrapping his arm around Maddie. "We went to the bar and got a drink." She replied. "Breezers?" He asked. "How'd you know?" She asked. "Because it's one of your favourites." Aiden smiled before taking a sip from his beer.

"Want to dance with me?" Maddie asked. "Only if you say yes to spending the night at my place." Aiden whispered in her ear. "A, you know I will!" She laughed as he spun her around before wrapping his arms around her and swaying back and forth. "You going to be okay to drive home tonight?" Maddie asked him. "Yeah, I'll be fine, I'm only have one beer tonight." He replied.

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