Chapter 75

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A few months later, the Toronto Rockets were in game 5 of round one in playoffs against the Vancouver Vultures. "Oh my gosh! The boys HAVE to win tonight or else it's game over for real!" Stella exclaimed as she and Maddie were walking towards the building. "They really do but I'm not sure if they will." Maddie replied. "As long as they don't play on a Saturday if they make it to round two." Stella said. "Because that's our wedding day and everything has to be perfect!" She added. "Stell, I'm sure it will be!" Maddie reassured her soon to be sister-in-law as she opened the door to let Stella and herself into the arena.

"Okay, I've got to head down to my office now and get ready for the game but Memphis should be here soon and I told him to meet you in the lounge." Maddie said before turning towards the locker room hallway. "Alright, I'll see you after the game. Have fun!" Stella replied before Maddie disappeared down the hall.

"Hey Jodie!" Maddie greeted when she arrived the the media office. "Hi honey, how are you? Ready to capture some intense shots tonight?" Jodie replied. "Sure am! I'm really hoping we win tonight!" Maddie said logging into her computer. "It'll all depend on how they play out there." Jodie said before stepping out of the office.

Later in in the third period, the game was tied at 2 a piece thanks to Cody Thomson. "Come on boys keep playing in the offensive zone out there!" Scott said before a quick line change. "We want that spot in the playoffs!" He added as Max and Aiden made conversation while watching the play. "Stella's rooting for us to win tonight but she's worried that if we move on we'll have to play on Saturday." Max said before taking a drink. "Isn't that your wedding day?" Aiden asked. "Yeah man." Max exclaimed as the two watched their opponent from the Vancouver Vultures skate into their zone with the puck. "Shit, he's got a breakaway!" Aiden exclaimed. "Andrews has for this!" Max smiled as the goalie stopped the puck. "See I told you Felix would have this." He smiled.

During a time out called by Vancouver, coach Scott gave the boys a pep talk to do their best and keep that 3-2 lead Aiden had just gotten them. "If they hit you, don't retaliate, just skate away and focus on what we've started." He said as the buzzer went off signalling end of timeout.

Aiden, Max and Jacob made their way over to centre ice for the face off. Jacob looked up at the scoreboard to see the 2 minutes left in the game. The red blew his whistle and dropped the puck to resume the game. The Rockets won the face off and JT played it back to White who played it across to Ty. Tyler skated up with the puck before passing it across to the other side where Max awaited the pass.

Max skated into the Vultures zone and took a shot on net only to be stopped by the goal tender who tossed the puck to his defence man. The Vultures now had possession of the puck and were creeping into the Toronto zone one stride at a time, deeking out the defence. The centre man from Vancouver passed the puck back to one of his teammates and the puck got sped around a couple more times before it got back to the centre man who took the opportunity he had for a shot on net. The puck clinked off the cross boar and found itself on the other side of the goal line tying the game at 3-3 with 35 seconds to go in the game.

"Shot now we've got to play overtime!" William said hopping onto the ice for the face off by"not if we can find a way to score in 35 seconds!" Monte replied. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's do this!" Zach exclaimed as the ref dropped the puck. Vultures won the face off and began to pass the puck around before creeping back into Rockets territory. "Shot!" Tyler yelled after being tripped by his own two feet allowing his opponent to pass him and score the game winning goal.

"Well, I guess that's it for us until next season!" Maddie said to Stella and Memphis as they sat down in the lounge to wait for the boys to come out. "Yep and now Stella doesn't have to worry about there being a game on her wedding day!" Memphis smiled. "Nope not at all! Thank God!" Stella replied. "I'm exhausted!" Maddie exclaimed leaning her head on Memphis's shoulder. "I bet! You've had a busy day today girl!" Stella exclaimed in reply.

"Hey! There's my favourite guy!" Memphis shouted when he saw Max step into the lounge with a sad smile upon his face. "Hey man." He replied quietly. "Sorry about tonight's loss man." Memphis said giving Max a small smile as he pat him on the back. "I'm sorry babe. But on the bright side, you played a great game tonight." Stella said. "Thanks babe." He replied pecking Stella on the lips. Max took a seat next to his sister and sat in silence for a while. "It's okay bubs, we'll get them next season." Maddie whispered leaning her head on her brother's shoulder.

A couple minutes later, Aiden stepped into the room staying a silent as could be. When everyone looked up, Aiden gave them a sad smile. "Let's get out of here." He said lowly as the four got up from their seats and began to make their way towards the parking lot. Maddie walked over to Aiden and gently intertwined her fingers into his while she took hold of his hand. "You okay?" she whispered. "Don't want to talk about it right now." He quietly replied following the group out of the building.

When they arrived to the parking lot, Memphis had said his goodbyes before parting ways with the group. "I'll start the car while you put your bag in the trunk." Stella said to Max when they arrived to the car. After placing his bag in the back, Max closed the trunk and turned to face his younger sister who was standing there ready to give her brother a hug. Max moved forward and have Maddie a long hug. " I know that tonight was a bummer but promise me you'll keep your head up." Maddie said quietly. "Promise." Max whispered in reply. "And if you need M and M time at any point in time tomorrow, text me and I'll come see you." Maddie added. "Copy that kiddo. Now you go home and get some sleep okay? Good night Mads I love you." Max replied. "Night Maxie, love you too." She replied before they both got into their own cars to go home.

When Aiden had pulled into his parking space and stopped the car, he looked over at Maddie who was sound asleep in the passenger's seat. Aiden got out of the car and went over to the other side to open the door. Once he had done that, he picked Maddie up bridal style and she wrapped her hands around his neck as he gently kicked the door closed and locked his car before heading into the apartment building.

"Hey Phil!" Aiden greeted quietly as he passed the front desk. "Hello Aiden." Phil replied with a smile before Aiden had disappeared towards the elevators. When the elevator doors had opened, he stepped in and pushed the button for his floor. A few seconds later, the doors opened and Aiden stepped out to make his way to the end of the hall towards his apartment.

"Alright babe, here we go." He whispered quietly as he gently placed Maddie down on the bed before putting the covers on top of her. Aiden placed a a soft kiss on her forehead before walking into the closet to change out of his suit and into comfier clothing. After getting changed, he quickly replied to a few text messages from his sister, his mom and Max.

"Okay, time for bed now." He said to himself pulling the covers down on his side of the bed and getting comfy before turning the light off on the night stand. "Goodnight mi princessa." He whispered as a sleeping Maddie turned his way and snuggled into him as he pulled her in closer to his chest before closing his eyes for a good night's sleep.

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