Chapter 40

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Maddie sat up in the bed with a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" Aiden asked. "Where's Zeus? Is he okay?" She replied before going into a small coughing fit. "Woah, woah, woah.. Here have some of my water." Max said. "Zeus is fine. Connor from across the street brought him home and told me what happened." Stella answered as Maddie gave her brother his water bottle back.

"The doctor wants to keep you overnight to make sure everything is good and then you can come home tomorrow." Max informed his sister. "Can... Can one of you stay the night with me?" Maddie asked. "I-I don't like being alone in the hospital... It scares me." She said. Aiden and Max exchanged looks before Aiden spoke up. "I'll stay." He replied. "You sure?" Max asked. "Yeah I'm sure and plus you've got Zeus waiting for you at home." Aiden replied. "Alright, we'll go grab some more water and some food so we can eat all together before Stella and I go home for the night." Max said standing up before leaving the room with Stella by his side.

"So I'm guessing Maddie's hockey season is over then?" Stella asked Max as they walked down the quiet hospital halls. "Well I'm not sure. Depends on what the doctor tells us in the morning." He replied as they arrived at the cafeteria.

When the couple got back to the room, they saw Aiden laying in the hospital bed cuddling with Maddie as they were both sound asleep. "Awe look how cute they are!" Stella whispered. "How about we leave their bagels on the side table with their water and just head home?" Max asked. "Okay." Stella simply replied pulling her phone out and snapping a pic of them sleeping. "She's definitely going to kill you for taking that pic. You know that right?" Max said before walking over to place a kiss on his sisters forehead. "Goodnight mini me. Sleep well I love you." He whispered.

As Max and Stella were walking towards the door, Aiden woke up and turned his head towards the door. "Bye guys!" He whisper shouted. "Bye buddy! We'll be back in the morning to pick you guys up!" Max replied. "Okay." Aiden replied. "Hey Stan... Thank you." Max smiled. "Max, you know I'd do anything for you and your sister. Don't sweat it." He replied. "Night bro, love ya." Max said. "Love ya too buddy." Aiden replied before going back to sleep.

The next morning Max got ho early and took Zeus out for a quick run before coming home to shower and change. "Max you almost ready?"Stella shouted from downstairs a couple minutes later. "Yeah! Just grabbing a change of clothes for Mads! I'll be down in a second!" He replied throwing a pair of sweats, a tee and one of his hoodies into a small gym bag. "Okay I'm ready!" He said rushing down the stairs and out the door to his Jeep. Once Stella was in the vehicle, Max started up the engine and backed out of the driveway and onto the road.

"Alright, good morning everybody!" The doctor said coming into the room. "Morning" they all replied. "So after keeping Maddie overnight for observation, she seems to be doing well and can go home today. However, she will be limited to her screen time to prevent major headaches and has to sit out from sports for the next few weeks until she gets her cast off and goes back to the concussion doctor for the all clear." The doctor said.

"Does this include no daily jogs too?" Maddie asked. "Because of your minor concussion it's encouraged that you don't do any type of sports at the moment until you get the okay from us." The doctor replied. "And what about my cast? When does it come off?" She asked looking down at her arm that was wrapped in a blue plaster. "Come back in about 2 or 3 weeks and we will asses it." The doctor replied. "Are there anymore questions?" He asked. "No I think that's all I have for now." Maddie said. "Well if you do have anymore questions you can call or email me but other than that, you're good to go home." The doctor said.

"Thanks for all the help doc, it's much appreciated." Max said before the doctor left the room. "We brought you some clean clothes to change into before we go home." Max said to his sister. "Thanks." Maddie replied taking the bag of clothes from her brother and going to the bathroom to get changed. "I also threw one of my hoodies you love to steal and wear all the time in the bag for you so you can wear it home." He added. "Good cause I was not about to leave here looking and feeling like complete shit!" Maddie replied. "Hey don't say that! You always look good babe!" Aiden said before closing the bathroom door to get changed.

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