Chapter 36

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After she finished breakfast, Maddie went upstairs and had a quick shower before changing into a pair of Roots sweats and a Maple Leafs long sleeve shirt. "Alright, let's work on this presentation I have to give on Friday." She said to herself as she turned in her laptop and placed it on her bed before turning on her tv to put a show on as background noise.

"Hello?" Maddie said into the phone a few hours later. It was Aiden calling to see what his girlfriend was up to. "Just working in my final presentation for my photography assignment." She said. "What's it on?" He asked on the other end of the phone. "It's based on some hockey shots I've taken at games and practices. I want to go into sports photography after I graduate so why not base my final on that." She replied. "Nice, I hope you have some shots of me in that presentation." Aiden said as Maddie smiled into the phone. "I guess you'll never know!" She said before asking him what he was up to.

"Well we're on our way to the rink for a practice right now." Aiden said. "You going to be watching the game tonight?" He added. "Aiden, you know I wouldn't miss it for the world! And if I did Max would kill me unless I had a really good reason!" She replied before Aiden said that he had to go since they had arrived at the rink. "I'll talk to you later. Okay beautiful?" He said. "Okay, good luck tonight. I love you." She said before hanging up.

"Alright Zeus, what do you think?" Maddie asked the pup showing him her presentation. "Should I put these shots in my presentation?" She said as she was going through some action shots of the boys. As Maddie put her presentation together, she also wrote down some notes on the techniques and things she did to get the shot.

"And done!" She said about an hour later when she had finished piecing her assignment together. "Now to present it to my professor and class tomorrow." She said to herself before turning off the tv and heading down to the kitchen for lunch. "Alrighty, what's for lunch today?" She said to herself opening the fridge. Maddie grabbed a few things and placed them on the counter before cutting up some leftover chicken breast.

Zeus began to bark a couple minutes later as the doorbell rang. Maddie stopped preparing her lunch and checked her phone to see who was at the door before going to answer it. "Sit." She said to Zeus before unlocking the front door. "Hey Memphis. Come on in." Maddie said as he stepped in. "How'd you know it was me?" He asked. "Max got a doorbell surveillance thing put in a few days ago so now I can see who's at the door on my phone and so can he." Maddie replied. "Oh cool." Memphis said following Maddie into the kitchen.

"Whatcha making?" Memphis asked. "A salad with some leftover chicken. Just finished putting together my final assignment a few minutes ago and got hungry. Did you want some?" Maddie replied as Memphis took a seat at the island. "Sure, I'll have a bit please." He replied. "What assignment were you working on?" Memphis asked. Maddie mixed the chicken into the salad before replying. "Photography and Storytelling." Maddie placed both bowls on the island before grabbing a couple bottles of water and a bottle of salads dressing from the fridge. "Cool and thanks for lunch!" He said taking a bite of chicken. "No problem." Maddie replied. A moment of silence went by before Maddie asked. "So what brought you over here this afternoon?" Maddie asked. "I'm off from work today and Meg's got a split shift so I thought I'd come and keep you company for a while." He smiled.

"Want to go for a walk?" Maddie ask while adding more water to zeus's bowl. "We usually go for a job after lunch but I'm not in the mood to put leggings on. And I gather you don't want to run in jeans." Maddie added before Memphis nodded. "Sure that's fine." He said as they made their way to the door. "Come on Zeus!" Memphis called as the dog met them at the front door.

When they got back home, Stella's car was in the driveway signalling that she was back from work. "We're back!" Maddie shouted taking Zeus off his leash. "Hey Mads, didn't know Memphis was stopping by today... Hey Memphis!" Stella greeted. "Hey Stell." He replied before Maddie spoke. "I didn't know he was coming over either. Until he rang the bell." They walked over to the living room and took a seat. "I thought I'd drop in and keep Maddie company for a while." He replied.

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