Chapter 71

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"This looks delicious babe. We did a great job." Aiden said sitting down at the table. "Wait! Before you dig in, I have to take a picture of it!" Maddie exclaimed as Aiden smiled. "You're gonna post it aren't you?" Maddie snapped a photo of the table all set for dinner before taking one of Aiden smiling with his bowl of pasta in front of him. "Of course I am because who doesn't want to see your adorable face on their Instagram feed?" She replied showing him the picture she had taken of him.

Maddie put her phone down on the island before taking her seat at the table across from Aiden before they both began to eat. "So has Stella talked about the wedding lately?" Aiden asked beginning a conversation. "She has but not as much as I thought she would. She's moving into our place slowly right now before they get married." Maddie replied. "Which leads me to my next question." Aiden said before take a bite of garlic toast. "Which is?" Maddie asked. "Well, you don't have to say yes or do this right now but... I was going to ask you if you wanted to move in with me here." He said before a moment of silence fell upon the room.

"So why do you say?" Aiden asked. "Aiden... I'd love to!" Maddie exclaimed with a big smile on her face as he squeezed her hand in his. "Perfect! I was thinking maybe you could move in on Friday. If that's okay?" He replied. "Yeah Friday sounds good." Maddie answered.

After they had cleaned up from dinner, they got a few games out to play on the coffee table in the living room. "I hear thunder." Aiden said looking out the window. "It's suppose to storm so it's probably just rolling in now." Maddie replied shuffling the deck of uno cards.

"Who could be at the door now?" Maddie asked once she heard a knock. "It's probably Felix and Will. I told them they could drop by for game night." Aiden replied opening the door to reveal the goalie and the blond boy. "Hey guys." He greeted as the two stepped inside the apartment.

"Excuse my appearance boys, I'm having a lazy day and was not expecting company tonight." Maddie said as Felix took a seat on the couch across from her.

"It's cool, no judgment here." Felix replied as Maddie dealt the uni cards to each player. "Good." She replied as she picked up her deck of cards ready to start the game. "Ladies first!" William said allowing Maddie to play the first card of the game.

After a few rounds of uno, they put the cards back in the box and got the next game set up. "Okay so what are the teams for this one?" William asked as they set up for Pictionary. "How about Aiden and I vs you and Maddie?" Felix suggested. "Sure." Maddie replied. "Well boys, prepare to get your asses kicked because I've got some mad artistic skills when it comes to art!" Maddie smiled.

"Okay so you might have mad artistic talents but the question is, can your partner guess what you're drawing correctly to gain your team some points?" Aiden grinned as the boys laughed. "Well, there's only one way to find out!" Maddie replied. "Then what are we waiting for? Start the game already!" Felix exclaimed as Maddie picked up the first card.

"Okay, here we go." She said taking the cap off the marker as she began to draw a half circle adding a v shape on the back. "Oh is it a dog?" Will shouted. "Nope." Maddie replied adding two u shaped feet in the bottom. "A snail?" He asked. "Bro what kind of snail has feet like that?" Aiden laughed as Will shrugged. "Oh wait! It's a turtle!" William exclaimed jumping up out of his seat. "YES!" Maddie cheered as she and Will high fived.

"Okay it's our turn. Ready A man?" Felix asked. "Ready." Aiden replied as Felix read to himself what was on the card before he began to draw. "Okay, that's a circle... And you're adding more." Aiden spoke to to himself out loud. "Is it a cookie?" He asked. "Guess again man." Felix replied as he drew a line straight down the middle. "But wha- Wait!" Aiden shouted. "It's a pizza!" Felix closed the lid of the marker. "Ding ding ding!"

A couple hours later, the game was over leaving Will and Maddie as the winners of the game. "Alright well, I better head out. I've got a gym session in the morning." Felix said getting up from his spot on the couch. "Yeah, I better get going too. Gotta go call my folks and see how they're doing." William said following Felix to the door. "Thanks for the fun game night." They both said. " No problem, anytime guys." Aiden replied.

"Alright let's clean up and go to bed. I'm exhausted." Maddie said taking the empty glasses to the kitchen sink to wash them. "I'll put the games away and pull the bed sheets back. If you can't find me when you're done, I'll be in the shower." Aiden replied picking up the board games and taking them down the hall to the small storage closet.

Maddie filled the sink with warm water and dish soap before putting the dirty dishes into the warm water to soak while she dries her hands and put on some music to fill the silence in the room while she cleaned up.

"Ain't nothing that a beer can't fix..." she sang as she began to do the dishes. "You can be lonely, heartbroken or hungover from the night before..." She continued.

A couple minutes later, she was putting the dry dishes away as she heard a loud roar of thunder before the power went out. "Great." She said to herself under her breath before feeling around to find her phone.

"Aiden?" She shouted as he came rushing down the hall in sweatpants. "What's wrong babe?" He asked before shining his phone's flashlight towards the kitchen where Maddie stood. "I can't find my phone." She replied as he shone the light onto the counter. "Here it is." He said as she picked it up. "Thanks."

"Come on, let's go to bed." He said putting his arm out for Maddie to lean into. "Okay." She replied as they made their way into Aiden's room. "You'll be safe and warm right here." He said pulling the sheets up over them before pulling Maddie close into his chest.

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