Chapter 30

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"Hey there she is!" Will exclaimed coming into the team lounge where he saw Maddie working her laptop uploading the pictures she took during practice. "Hey Willy." Maddie smiled. "What's going on mini Marty?" He asked taking a seat next to her. "Just finished uploading practice pictures onto my laptop to edit them." Maddie replied. Will leaned over and looked at all the different shots Maddie had taken of the boys.

"This one's cool!" He said pointing to the one of himself moving in towards the net to take a shot on Felix. "And this one's cute but Aiden's got big hands." He laughed as Maddie smiled and laughed with him. "Hey, whats so funny over here?" Aiden asked coming over and sitting on the arm of the couch. "Nothing." Maddie replied. "Actually, Maddie was just showing me some of the pictures she took of us during practice and I was making fun of your big hands." William said as Aiden rolled his eyes. "Fuck off man!" He replied in a joking matter.

When they got home from the rink, Maddie took Zeus for a quick walk while Max had a quick shower before preparing lunch. "Hey pretty thing, what's a beautiful girl like you doing walking the block alone?" A guy around 18 years old called after her. "Leave her alone man!" A boy about 16 years old exclaimed. "And why should I? Look how beautiful she is." The young 18 year old responded.  "Bro just leave her alone! She's clearly not into you and if you as much as touch or  do anything to her I swear to god I'll kick your ass." The 16 year old replied. "Are you okay Maddie?" The boy asked once the creep had walked away. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Thanks." She replied before continuing her walk.

When Maddie got home about 45 minutes later, lunch was ready and Aiden's car was in the driveway. "I'm back!" Maddie shouted before taking Zeus's leash off. "You lunch is on the breakfast island!" Max shouted back. Maddie moved into the kitchen and sat down to eat her lunch while her brother and Aiden watched sports highlights.

After Maddie had finished her lunch, she washed her dishes and ran up to her room to throw on some sweat and a hoodie before coming back down into the living room. "Alright boys! It's pre-game nap time!" She exclaimed with a clap of her hands before grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch and joining Aiden who was ready to cuddle with her. "I'll set an alarm for 3pm." Max said before Zeus climbed up to cuddle with him.

"Don't disturb them babe, they're cute when they're sleeping." Stella whispered a few hours later. "I don't want to wake them up but it's 3pm and we have to be at the rink in an hour." Max whispered back as Maddie's eyes began to open. When they were fully opened, she looked up at Max and his girlfriend with a puzzled look. "We're you two just standing there watching us sleep?" She asked.

"Yes." Stella replied. "No, Stell told me not to wake you guys but the alarm I set went off so I was coming over to wake you up." Max replied. "Well it looks like you've only got sleeping beauty here left to wake up." Maddie said pointing to Aiden who was still asleep on the couch. "Have fun with that." Stella said before disappearing down the hall.

"Just whack him with a pillow or something." Maddie said before getting up and heading up to her room to have a quick shower and get ready to leave. "Well alright then... Aiden, bro it's time to get up and ready to go." Max said as Aiden still laid there sound asleep. "A Train!" He raised his voice a little as Aiden's eyes opened.

"I've been awake this whole time. I just wanted to see if you were actually going to hit me with a pillow." He replied with a grin on his face. "I was about to if you didn't wake up the second time I tried." Max replied. "Come on, we've got a game to get ready for." Max said as Aiden got up off the couch and went out to his car to get his game day suit from the backseat.

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