Chapter 62

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After checking themselves and their luggage in, the two stopped at Tim Hortons and grabbed a bite to eat along with a coffee and an ice cap. "Want to go sit by the gate?" Aiden asked looking over to Maddie. "Okay." She replied before taking a sip from her ice cap.

"Gate 3, here we are." Maddie said a couple minutes later as they found a couple of chairs by the window. "Did you being your camera with you?" Aiden asked sitting down and placing his arm on the back of Maddie's seat. "Yeah, it's in my backpack." She replied leaning back in her seat and watching planes take off and land.

A couple minutes later, Maddie's phone went off with a few notifications. The first one was the text Max had sent her when he left them at the departures door, the second one was a Snapchat notification from the team's group chat coming from Aiden and the third one was from Monte telling them to fly safe. "Who took that pic?" Aiden asked looking at the photo Max had sent.

"Max took it when we were walking through the departure doors. He sent it by text saying he missed us already." Maddie replied. "That's because you're his little sister and I'm his best friend and other than hockey and Stella being his world. You're literally the most important person in the world to him. Did you know that?" Aiden replied. "Really? Max said that to you?" Maddie asked as Aiden nodded. "That's one of the first things he told me on the first day I met him. Mads, you're literally the biggest part of his entire world. He even told me that in the day you were born, at that moment you became not only his little sister but you became his life long best friend and his world. He told me he made a promise to protect you from day one." Aiden replied.

After a few hours, Aiden and Maddie boarded their flight to Arizona. "You want the window seat?" Aiden asked as they stopped at their seats. "Yeah, I don't mind." She replied taking her backpack off and giving it to Aiden to put in the overhead bin. "I can't wait to get home!" Aiden said sitting down next to Maddie. "Your mom's going to be so happy to have you home for a few weeks." Maddie said as the flight attendant's voice came over the PA system to give instructions.

Meanwhile at the arrivals end of the airport, Max stood scanning for Stella in the crowds of people who were reuniting with loved ones. "Isn't that him over there?" Stella's brother shouted pointing to a smiling Max who held a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Max!" Stella exclaimed running over to her boyfriend and giving him the biggest hug ever. "Hey babe, I missed you." He said before giving his girlfriend a kiss. "I missed you too." She replied. "I got you something." He said giving the flowers to Stella. "Awe Max, they're beautiful. Thank you!" She replied admiring them.

"Hey Max, how are you?" Stella's mom asked as she, Stella's dad and brother came over to join them. "I'm doing good how about you guys? How was your trip?" He asked. "It was good, we definitely enjoyed all the family time." Stella's dad replied. "That's good." Max said as the five began to walk towards the parking garage.

"You guys head on home, I'm going over to Max's place for a bit." Stella said to her family as they began to part ways to find their vehicles. "Okay, that's fine. Want to come home later and we can order take-out for dinner? Max you're welcomed to join us." Mrs. McLean said as Max thanked we for the offer. "Okay mom, see you guys later for dinner. Love you." Stella replied. "Love you too honey." Her mom replied. Max opened to back before closing the door and hopping into the driver's seat.

Meanwhile on their flight to Arizona, Maddie was sound asleep as Aiden turned to ask her something. "I'll ask her later then." He mumbled to himself as he plugged his earbuds in and played some music before closing his eyes.

"Attention passengers, we will be arriving in Phoenix in approximately 30 minutes." The pilot said over the PA system as Aiden opened his eyes again and pulled out an earbud. "Well I guess I should wake her up now." He said to himself as he took his other earbud out and put his phone back in his pocket. "Maddie... Maddie, wake up babe." He whispered while running his hand through her hair. "Wake up babe, we're almost there." He whispered again as Maddie's eyes began to flutter open. "What's going on?" She asked squinting her eyes to adjust to the lights. "We're about 25 minutes out from landing." Aiden replied as they both looked out the plane window.

25 minutes later, the plane had landed and the passengers were getting off and heading to baggage claim to collect their belongings. "You look out for our bags for a second while I text Max to let him know we arrived safely." Maddie said getting her phone out from her pocket. "Okay." Aiden replied.

"There's our bags." Aiden said as they both grabbed their suitcases and rolled them through the airport towards the arrivals exit. "Look for B, Alex or my mom. I'm not sure which one of them is picking us up." Aiden said. "I think I see B overs there." Maddie pointed to a girl standing by a post. "That would be her and my mom." Aiden replied as they zig zagged through the crowds and over to Aiden's mom and younger sister.

"Ahh hijo! Welcome home my boy!" Evie exclaimed giving Aiden a hug before going to hug Maddie. "Ahh and Maddie, you beautiful girl! It's so good to see you again! How are you?" She asked as Maddie gave her a warm smile and replied. "It's good to see you too and I'm doing great."  Aiden gave Bianca a hug and asked her what was new before the four of them made their way out to the car.

"We're back!" Bianca shouted opening the front door being greeted by Fido and Nala. "Hey welcome home little brother!" Alexandra said coming from around the corner and to the door to greet Aiden and Maddie. "Hey girl!" She said once she saw Maddie. "Hey, it's good to see you again. How's it going?" Maddie asked giving her a hug. "I'm good, keeping myself busy." Alex replied.

"Where's dad?" Aiden asked. "He fell asleep out on the pool deck." Alex replied. "Of course he did." Evie said rolling her eyes. "You guys take your bags upstairs and then I'll prepare us a nice meal for lunch." Evie said to the two before heading off to the kitchen.

"So if you want, the guest room is right across the hall from my room. My mom prepared it all for you yesterday. Also there's a bathroom at the end of the hall next to Alexandra's room. She shares that one with Bianca so you can use mine if you want." Aiden said showing Maddie where to find everything. "Okay, that's fine." She replied before going into the guest room to drop her stuff off. "I'll be right across the hall if you need anything." Aiden replied putting Maddie's suitcase on the bed for her before going into his room.

"Wow, Nice room babe." Maddie said following Aiden into his childhood bedroom. "Thanks." He replied setting his stuff down on his bed. "Oh my gosh, is this you when you were little?" Maddie asked looking at a picture of little Aiden learning how to skate for the first time with the help of his dad. "Yep, that's me! I think I was about 3 years old in that photo." He replied. "Awe, you were so cute! What happened?" Maddie laughed. "Gee thanks! What do you mean what happened? I still  got the charm!" Aiden replied.

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