Chapter 49

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After the second period, the Rockets were down by one goal giving the Walleye a 4-3 lead. "Alright let's see what these boys can do this period." Eryn said before Jace began to cry. "Awe poor baby's getting tired. Stephanie mentioned as Eryn sighed and readjusted Jace in her lap to make him comfier. "Do you want me to take him for a bit Eryn?" Maddie asked. "If you want to sure." She relied passing her son over to Maddie. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" She asked the baby while he sat there looking up at her, his crying coming to a stop.

"Wow look at you! Maddie the baby whisperer!" Bianca said once Jace had stopped crying. "Nah, he's just my little buddy. Aren't ya Jace?" She said smiling down at him while Stella snuck a quick pic. "GO AIDEN!" Brian shouted a second after as he watched his son skate towards the net on a breakaway. "SHOOT    A SHOOT!" Evie shouted as Aiden shot the puck and celebrated once the puck was in the back of the net.

"That's my boy!" Brian shouted as Aiden looked towards their direction and pointed with a big smile on his face. After they HD reset for face off, the announcer's voice came over the sound system. "Rockets' goal his 46th goal of the season number 34... AIDEN STANLEY!" The crowd roared as loud as ever as Aiden had just tied the game at a score of 4-4.

"Come on boys, just a minute left. Let's get a goal!" Eryn whispered under her breath as the crowd watched the play nervously awaiting the sound of the final buzzer. "Looks like we're heading into overtime." Bianca said as the buzzer went off a minute later. "Let's hope we score so Felix doesn't have to face a shootout." Maddie said looking down at Jace  who was now fast asleep in her arms.

At the end of the third period, the score remained tied at 4 a piece and the ice was getting a quick flood before overtime began. "Here's to hoping we can score." Evie said just as the Zambian I had finished flooding the ice for OT.

"Go Max go!" Maddie shouted as her brother raced down the ice before being blocked by the defensemen. The possession of the puck was turned over to the Walleye before they broke out of their own zone and raced down to Toronto's end. "Come on Felix shut him down!" Maddie whispered under her breath as she watched the play. "No!" Stella exclaimed after the puck snuck into the net behind Felix.

"Well looks like hockey season's done for another year." Alexandra said as they stood up and cheered for the boys who were saluting their fans. "Well the guys are going to be feeling down when they come out of the dressing room so let's not talk much about the game." Eryn said to the girls as the group left their seats to wait for the boys in the team lounge. "Maddie you coming with us for ice cream?" Bianca asked. "Yeah, Aiden asked me if I'd come last night. And you know I can't pass up an opportunity for ice cream!" She replied.

After a few minutes, Felix and Aiden had appeared from the team locker room. "Hey, great game buddy!" Brian said giving his son a hug before shaking Felix's hand. "Sorry you boys didn't make it to the second round of playoffs hijo." Evie said giving Aiden a sad smile before he opened his arms to give her a hug. "It's okay mom, there's always next year." He replied.

"Hey it's the Stanley family!" Max exclaimed appearing in the lounge followed by JT and Cody. "Hi Max, how are you doing?" Evie asked as they began to hold a conversation. "Hey, look at you sporting my jersey number on your cheek." Aiden smiled as he brought Maddie in for a hug. "I'm proud of you love. You might not have won tonight but you played an amazing game." Maddie said. Aiden looked down and replied. "Thanks babe and I may not have won on the ice but I'm definitely a winner off the ice. You never fail to make my day princess."

Maddie leaned into Aiden's chest as he placed a kiss in her forehead. "You've got my heart... Forever Aiden." Maddie whispered before letting go from their hug and going over to Stella, Max and Alexandra. "Hey I didn't know I had a goon for a brother!" She said as Max rolled his eyes. "Hey it was an accident! Let it go!" He exclaimed in reply.

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