Chapter 82

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"Aiden, you've always been there for me through thick and thin since day one. The day you came into my life, everything changed. You always know how to cheer me up and never fail to put a smile on my face. You encourage me, motivate me and support me in all the things that I do. You've protected me since day one and you still continue to amaze me. Aiden, you're not only my best friend and first love, you're now to be my husband and will forever be my world, my everything! I'm so excited to begin this new chapter of life with you mon amour and you've got my heart. Now, forever and always." Maddie said as she folded the piece of paper she had written her vows on to share with Aiden in front of all their guests.

It was now two months after the Toronto Rockets had won the championship finals and today was the day that Aiden and Maddie were tying the knot. "And now, the groom will read his vows." The pastor said as Aiden unfolded his vows. "Maddie, I've known that you and I were meant to be since the start. You were always there to crack jokes and make me laugh when I was taking things too seriously. You have such a kind, loving and gentle heart of gold that makes you shine brighter than any other star in the sky. You support and encourage me in all that I do and you have helped shape me into a better person. Maddie, you are my world and my everything. You will always and forever have my heart until the end of time. I love you so much princessa and I can not wait to begin this new adventure of life with you." Aiden finished.

"Now may the bride and groom please join hands." The pastor asked as Maddie and Aiden did so while smiling at each other, their eyes filled with love and joy. "Aiden and Maddie, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Aiden, you may now kiss the bride!" He finished as the couple leaned in for their first kiss as a married couple while the guests erupted in a loud applause and cheer for the new Mr. and Mrs. Stanley.

"Well, how does it feel to officially be married to your best friend?" Aiden asked looking down at Maddie who looked up at him with a smile while they swayed back and forth to their first dance song. "It feels absolutely amazing!" She replied before giving him a kiss. "I'm so glad to have you as my wife and spend the rest of my life with you." Aiden smiled.

The song has ended and the couple went over to cut the cake and take some pictures. "Ready for our brother sister dance?" Maddie asked after she had taken a picture with Max, Stella, James and her parents. "You know it!" Max replied as he handed his sister a jersey before they both threw them over their evening wear and made their way to the dance floor.

Later that night after the wedding reception was over, the newly weds went out with their families to the diner that Maddie grew up going to most night after hockey. "Hi Molly!" They greeted before going straight to their regular birth at the back of the restaurant. "Hey y'all! Congratulations on your wedding Maddie and Aiden, you both look amazing!" Molly said before taking their orders.

"So your flight leaves at 2am?" Bianca asked before taking a fry from her plate. "Yep, we fly out at 2 but we have to be there for 12:45am so we can check in and get through customs." Aiden replied. "So basically we're going home, quickly getting changed, grabbing our bags and heading off the the airport." Maddie added. "Ah I see." Bianca replied. "Hawaii is absolutely gorgeous you're going to love it there!" Alexandra smiled.

After hugging Max and Stella goodbye and thanking the both for everything, Maddie went over to hug her parents. Bonnie and Peter gave their daughter a right hug before giving their new son-in-law a hug before leaving. "Alright hijo, we'll take you to your place to get your bags then we'll drive you guys to the airport." Evie said placing an arm around her son. "Thanks mom." He replied.

It was now 12:45am and the newlyweds had just finished checking in at the airport. "Aah, I can't wait to relax on the beach in Hawaii!" Maddie smiled as she leaned her head on Aiden's shoulder while he intertwined his hand with hers. "It's going to be an amazing getaway and we both definitely deserve it." Aiden replied. "You know, I'm glad we chose Hawaii for our honeymoon destination. I've always wanted to go there." Maddie said. "I know, me too and we're going to have so much fun going on some crazy adventures." Aiden replied. "Yes! Hiking in the forests, learning how to surf!" Maddie smiled at the thought of adventure.

"Flight 272 to Maui Hawaii is now boarding, all passengers please make your way to gate 6." An announcement said as Maddie and Aiden grabbed their carry on bags and headed over to the gate. "Here we go! Our adventure begins!" Aiden said as the married couple intertwined hands and boarded the plane. "I'm just going to quickly update them that we're on the plane and waiting for take off." Maddie said as she handed her bag to Aiden so he could put it away in the overhead bin. "Alright sounds good." Aiden said as the two sat down before texting their family.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard flight 272 to Maui Hawaii. Thank you for choosing to fly with Air Canada, we hope you enjoy your flight." The pilot said over the sound system before the flight attendants gave their safety demonstration. "Mads, look here for a quick second." Aiden said as Maddie turned her head to see what it was that her husband wanted. "Smile babe!" He said as he snapped a selfie. "Our first selfie as a married couple." She said after he had taken the picture. Just a couple minutes later, the plane began to move and make its way to the runway for take off. "Here we go!" Aiden said. "Paradise, here we come!" Maddie exclaimed wrapping her arm around his leaning her head on his shoulder as he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head.

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