Chapter 13

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At the end of the game, Eryn, Memphis, Maddie and Stella left their seats and went to wait by the dressing room for the boys. "We driving you home tonight Stella?" Maddie asked. "Actually no, I'm spending the night at a friend's place so she's picking me up in about 20 minutes." Stella replied. "I'm coming over to spend the night though!" Memphis said. "I knew that already and plus you practically live at our place when you're not at home or work." Maddie replied.

"Hey, there's my captain!" Eryn exclaimed as Jacob came towards her and gave her a hug. "Great game tonight babe." She said as he thanked her. "There's my best friend!" Will said coming out of the locker room a couple minutes after. "Willy!" Maddie exclaimed before giving him a hug. Maddie looked up at him and whispered in his ear. "You know, I'm starting to think Stella's right about Aiden liking me." Will raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "Yeah? Ya think so?" He whispered back in reply. "Guess we'll have to wait to find out for sure." She replied.

"Wait to find out what?" Max asked appearing next to William. "You know... The Aiden thing." Maddie replied in a quiet tone as Max gave his sister the «Ah got it!» look. Max said bye to Stella before she took off to her friend's place and then went into conversation with Memphis while William and Maddie talked to Cody.

After a few minutes, Max, Memphis and Maddie were walking out to the parking lot when a voice shouted after them. "Hey Martin wait up buddy!" Max and Maddie both turned around to see an out of breath Aiden who caught up to them.

"What's up Stan?" Max asked as he put his equipment in the back seat of the car. "I was just wondering if I could um... Could I talk to Mads for a minute?" He asked scratching the back of his head. Maddie looked at her brother before turning back to Aiden. "What's up Aiden?" She asked as her brother and their best friend got into the car. "You know that bet I won this morning?" He asked. "Yeah what about it?" She asked. "Well um, I have an adventure planned for tomorrow if you're okay with that." Aiden replied. "Yeah sure. What time should I be ready for?" She asked. "How does around noon time sound?" He asked as Maddie nodded. "Alright, see you tomorrow then and I'll text you when I'm on my way. Goodnight Maddie." He replied. "Night Aiden, great game tonight." Maddie said with a smile before getting into the backseat of the car.

"Ready?" Max turned and asked his sister who was getting into the back seat. "Yeah, I'm ready." She replied as Max put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. "I'm hanging out with Aiden tomorrow by the way and Sunday I'm babysitting Jace for JT and Eryn." Maddie said. "Where you going?" Memphis asked. "I'm not sure, he said he had an adventure planned for tomorrow but didn't tell me what we're doing so I guess it's going to be a surprise." She replied. "I know where you're going. He told me before the game tonight." Max replied. "Don't tell me! Also want to come babysit Jace with me on Sunday?" She asked. "Sure." Her brother replied.

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