Chapter 54

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A couple days later, it was Maddie and Kylie's college graduation day. "Do you want me to do your makeup?" Stella asked as she looked over to Maddie who was braiding her hair. "No I'm good. Just finishing my hair then I'm going to put some lip gloss and mascara on." She replied. "No other makeup?" Stella  exclaimed. "Girl how long have you known me for?" Maddie asked with a small laugh. Stella gave her a look. "You're right! I forgot you're not a makeup girl. You're more of a tomboy and no makeup person. My bad." Stella replied.

"You girls ready to go?" Maddie's mom asked the two as she walked past Maddie's room. "Yeah, almost done mom." Maddie replied.  "Okay I'm going downstairs to help finish setting up and see if your brother needs any help with decorations." Bonnie said before leaving the doorway and walking down the stairs.

Meanwhile down in the kitchen after helping Maddie get ready, Stella was preparing the rest of the food while Max, Aiden and Mr. Martin were finishing up with the decorations out in the backyard. "Hey Stella, would you like some help with anything?" Bonnie asked leaning against the counter. "Yeah, I've got to put some chips in a bowl and I also have to put the plates and stuff out." She replied. "Okay, I'll get chips into bowls for you if you want to put the plates and stuff out." She said grabbing a bag of chips.

Outside, the boys were setting up a photo booth over on the grass by the shed where guests can take pictures as the night goes on. "So what are you planning on doing this summer?" Aiden asked as he hung some lights into the backdrop of the photo booth. "Spending a few weeks at the cottage for sure and maybe some road trips. What about you?" He asked. "Heading home for a couple weeks and maybe do a road trip to Disney world." Aiden replied.  " hey guys, we're getting ready to leave now!" Bonnie said from the patio door. "Okay mom, just finishing up the photo booth. We'll be there in a minute." Max replied just as they finished. "Maddie going with you to Arizona?" Max asked. "Yeah and I was thinking of surprising her with that Disney trip too." Aiden said.

"Kylie!" Maddie yelled across the parking lot once they arrived at the location where graduation was being held. "Hey girl! Hello Mr and Mrs. Martin." Kylie greeted with a smile. "Hi Kylie, it's been a while since we've seen you last. You look beautiful honey." Bonnie said before giving her a hug.

"Alright, we have to meet up with everyone else so we can get our caps and gowns. I guess we'll see you guys later." Maddie said to her family before she and Kylie ran off to get their caps and gowns.

"I can't believe that our baby girl is graduating college today." Bonnie said as they walked to find seats. "It fees just like yesterday she was just starting kindergarten and Max was going into grade 2." Peter said. "It sure is crazy how fast time flies by. That's for sure!" Memphis said as the group sat down before being joined by Cody, William, Felix and Monte.

"Hey guys." They said in unison. "Hey." Max and Aiden replied in unison before beginning a conversation with Peter and Bonnie.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for attending the graduation ceremony for the class of 2020. We ask that all devices be placed on silence and while taking photos or videos, please refrain from using flash photography. Thank you." A voice boomed over the PA system. "Where's Tyson and Tyler?" Max asked. "They're on their way. Tyson was picking Johnson up on his way over." Monte replied.

A couple minutes later, the two defence men showed up and sat in the empty seats next to Eryn. "Hey guys, sorry we're late." Tyson said as everyone greeted them before the lights dimmed signalling the beginning of the ceremony.

"Maddie Martin!" They announced about halfway through the ceremony as Maddie got up from her seat and walked up onto the stage to receive her diploma as the crowd applauded and her family cheered. "Woooo that's my baby girl!" Both her parents shouted. "Yeah! That's my little sister!" Max exclaimed. As she walked off the stage with her diploma in hand, Aiden shouted. "Way to go Mads! That's my girlfriend!" Stella laughed as she was recording Maddie walking across the stage followed by Aiden's reaction.

Next up was Kylie who stood up from her seat and made her way up to walk across the stage. Max and his parents cheered for her too. "Yeah Kylie!" Peter exclaimed. "That a girl Kylie!" Bonnie shouted. "Way to go Kye!" Max cheered as she received her diploma.

After the ceremony had been completed, Maddie and Kylie met up with their families who were standing around and talking by the pond. "Hey! There's our two college graduates!" Kylie's brother exclaimed giving his little sister a hug. "Congratulations ladies!" Bonnie said hugging the both of them. "Your mom would have been so proud to see you graduate today Kye." Peter said as a year slipped from Kylie's eye. "She definitely would have been." She replied.

Once pictures had been taken, the group made their way back to the Martin's house for the party. "Where's your dad today? I didn't see him." Peter asked Kylie who got her brother to give her a piggy back ride to his truck. "He had a shift at the department today so he couldn't make it. But he did say if his shift's done early enough he might drop by for a bite." Kylie's brother said.

"Meet you guys back at the house!" Aiden said as they hopped into their vehicles. "So Mads, you're officially a college graduate and an official Toronto Rockets personnel. Now what?" Stella asked. "Now I just enjoy my summer like you guys until hockey starts up again." She replied.

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