Chapter 48

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A couple hours later, the two Martin siblings woke up from their pre game nap. "Go change into your game day suit and I'll grab our protein bars and shakes. I'll meet you at the door." Maddie said as Max stretched. "Okay, meet you there." He said before heading down the hall.

"Alright Zeus, which suit should I wear today?" Max asked holding up a burgundy suit in one hand and a royal blue one in the other. Zeus tilted his head towards the burgundy suit and Max held it up looking in the mirror. "Good call buddy." He said to the dog before going into his closet to hang the blue one back up.
"Wow you clean up nice dude!" Maddie smiled sarcastically at her brother. "Thanks Mads. Zeus helped pick the fit for game day." He replied before grabbing his gear and heading out to his car. "I'll lock up." Maddie shouted closing the front door and locking it.

When Maddie got to he brother's car, she passed him a protein bar and his shake. "Thanks." He replied pulling out onto the road. "Going to Aiden's after the game?" Max asked noticing the backpack sitting on Maddie's lap. "Yeah, I'm spending the night." She replied.

When they arrived at the arena, Maddie opened the trunk for Max to grab his hockey bag. "Thanks buddy." He said lugging his bag over his shoulder. "Anytime double M." she replied.

"Hey guys!" Cody greeted them. "Hey C town, how's it going?" Max asked. "Good and you?" Cody replied. "Just hoping to win this game tonight you know." Max said as the three of them approached the building. "Hey you guys just have to work hard as always and kick some Walleye ass again!" Maddie said hoping to give the two some positive vibes.

Once inside the boys went down the hall to the dressing room to drop their equipment off. Meanwhile Maddie sat on the couch in the team lounge waiting for them to come back. "Oh hey Maddie, how's it going?" Eryn said coming into the room with Jace sitting in her hip. "Hey Eryn, it's going great how about you?" She replied before smiling at Jace who was reaching out to grab her finger. "I'm doing good. Jace keeps me busy." Eryn said. "Oh I bet!" Maddie replied as Eryn sat down in the chair across from Maddie.

"Maddie? You in here?" Stella's voice asked from the door. "Right here Stell!" Maddie answered. Stella popped her head into the lounge before going in to join Eryn and Maddie. "Hey ladies!" She exclaimed taking a seat. The two greeted her before she got straight to asking Maddie about her morning trip to the mall with Kylie.

"So Max told me you found your grad dress today... Let's see it girl!" She exclaimed. "Oh I want to see it too." Eryn said as Maddie unlocked her phone and went to her photos before clicking on the picture of her in her wearing the light blue just a little above knee length dress. "Oh my god it's so pretty!" Stella exclaimed. "I love it Mads! The off the shoulder look is cute on you." Eryn said. "I agree with her." A voice said from behind the couch Maddie was seated on. Maddie looked up and gave Stella a confused look as Stella looked at her with a smile.

She slowly turned around and saw Alex, Bianca and Evie standing there with big smiles spread across their faces. "Surprise!" The Stanley sisters exclaimed. "Oh my gosh hi! It's been a while, how've you guys been?" Maddie asked excitedly getting up to give the three girls a hug. "Good and how are you doing?" Evie asked in reply. "I'm doing well, I graduate soon." Maddie said. " That's exciting! I hope my brother's treating you well." Alex said just as Brian, Aiden, Max and Jacob walked into the lounge. "Don't you worry Alexandra, I'm treating her well." Aiden replied giving his sister a look before opening his arms to give Maddie a hug.

After the team had dinner, the boys went to get changed for the game and Aiden's family followed Stella, Maddie and Eryn to their seats. "How's the puppy?" Maddie asked taking her seat between Bianca and Stella. "Fido? He's good but he sure does miss Aiden that's for sure." Bianca replied. "We're training him everyday and when you guys come to Arizona in the summer, you'll be able to tell if the training we've been doing with him worked or not." Alex added.

In  the first period, the teams were tied at 2 goals each and Max had gotten a penalty for tripping. "Who knew that the sweetest guy on the team who also happens to be a big softie was also a goon and known to be my boyfriend." Stella said when Max was sent to the box. "That's Max for ya!" Maddie replied.

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