Chapter 73

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"And here we are, rooms 407 and 409." Max said as the three of them came to a stop in front of their rooms. "We're right next door if you need anything. Okay babe?" Aiden said to Maddie giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Alright. Night guys." She said before scanning the room key on her door and disappearing into the room a couple seconds later.

The next morning, the team got up and had breakfast down at the hotel buffet before hopping onto the bus and heading to the arena for their morning skate. "Good morning Maddie." Coach Scott said as he got on the bus. "Morning Scott." She smiled in reply. "You working out with us today?" He asked. "I might try and get a small workout in. But I've got the social media accounts to run and I've got to take pictures. That's my assignment for the morning since Jodie's only going to make it for the game tonight." She replied.

"Well you know the invitation is always there anytime if you'd like." Scott said with a smile as the bus came to a stop at the front of the arena. "Thanks, I'll be sure to keep that in mind." She replied as the team got up and one by one hopped off the bus.

"Ah shit!" Monte exclaimed as he stepped out onto the ice and face planted. "Bro what happens?" Felix asked skating over to him. "Someone put clear gaps in my skate blades!" He said looking over to Tyler who was laughing and skating over to Monte and Felix. "Good one Ty but you better watch our cause I'll get you back!" Monte replied.

"Alright bring it in!" Coach Scott shouted after blowing his whistle at centre ice. "We're going to start off by stretching it out." He said as the team took a knee around him and Maddie snapped some shots from the bench.

After a few minutes of stretching, the boys wasted no time and got straight to work while Maddie moved around the side of the glass to get different angles of the players.

"Water break!" The coach shouted as some of the guys skated over to the bench where Maddie was taking a few more shots. "Working hard or hardly working kid?" Jacob asked with a smiled. "Obviously working hard!" She replied. "Good, that's what I like to hear." He exclaimed giving Maddie a fist bump.

"Take any pics of my good side?" Aiden asked grabbing his water bottle and taking a drink. "Got a good one just now." She smiled. "I'm working on the editing part later. Now I've got to do morning skate posts for the social media pages." She added.

"I'll let you get back to work then." Aiden smiled before skating away to talk to Cody and Jacob. "How's your first morning skate road trip going for ya best friend?" William skates over and asked as Max stopped right beside him. "It's going pretty good. A lot of work but Jodie's coming to help me out at the game tonight." Maddie replied. "Hey, keep up the hard work Alright little M?" Max said before he and William went back to practice to work on the next drill.

That night at the game against the Winnipeg Giants, Maddie was hard at work taking pre game pictures and action shots. "Okay, I'm going to take tunnel shots when they come out to start the second period." Maddie said informing Jodie on her walkie talkie. "Copy that hun. I'll be on the other side by the penalty box taking warmup pics." Jodie replied. "10-4" Maddie clicked off before settling into a book of the visiting team's tunnel before the Toronto Rockets began to trickle out of the dressing room.

"They're starting up now." Maddie said to Jodie before she began snapping pictures of the boys who had made their way around the corner of the hallway and down the tunnel. The first to step out was Felix who was followed by Aiden, Max and Tyler who were in the zone until Tyler made a joke. "Hope you got us laughing on camera!" He smiled pointing towards Maddie. "You bet I did and I got that one too!" Maddie replied before getting back to taking pictures before proceeding to turn her body towards the ice surface to snap a back shot of Monte who was the last one out and on the ice.

"Heading up to the rafters now." Jodie called on her walkie talkie. "Copy that! I'm heading to centre ice for puck drop in 2." Maddie replied as she walked through the tunnel and onto the Rockets bench. "Getting great shots as always I hop!" Zach smiled before grabbing a drink. "Always!" She replied.

"Maddie, can you head down to the dressing room to start uploading the photos you've already got?" Jodie asked over the radio as Maddie began to make her way back down the tunnel. "Yep I'm on it Jodie!" She replied. "I'll be down to upload mine in a couple of minutes." Jodie said.

Once Maddie got to the visiting team's dressing room, she made her way over to the room at the back where players go relax between periods. She set up her laptop at one of the tables and took the SD card out of her camera and placed it in one of the ports before uploading her pictures.

"Okay Maddie, you can get out there to take some more photos for the third period. I'll stay in here and upload the ones we've already got on here." Jodie said coming over to the table with her camera in hand. "Alright." Maddie replied. "Then we can edit these ones on the way back to the hotel." Jodie added before Maddie grabbed her camera and bag before making her way out to where the action was happening.

"Hey princess." Aiden smiled stopping her in the hall. "Hey, how come you aren't in the dressing room with the rest of the guys?" She asked. "I just finished a tv interview." Aiden replied. "Oh I see, keep up the good work out there. You're playing great!" Maddie said adjusting her camera around her neck. "Thanks, I'm gonna score one in the third to break the tie. I can feel it!" Aiden smiled. "Well I better get back to work and so should you. You guys go back out in five." Maddie said checking the time on her watch. "Have fun babe, I'll see you after the game." Aiden said before giving Maddie a peck on the lips. "Thanks, you too. Go out there and score me a goal! I love you!" She exclaimed before the pair parted ways.

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