Chapter 65

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The pair got all comfy in the bed of the truck and smacked on the food that Aiden had packed for them. "Look, the sun's starting to set." Aiden said as they both looked out across the canyon. "It's so pretty." Maddie whispered as she took the camera out of her bag and snapped a couple of photos.

"It's getting a little dark out here and I can't see where I put my phone." Maddie said searching for her phone on the blanket. "Oh hold on, I can fix that!" Aiden said as he put a switch on for some battery operated fairy lights. "Better?" He asked. "Much better, I found it." Maddie said before setting her camera up on the tripod.

It was now 1am and the couple was still cuddled up in the bed of the truck under the warm blanket watching for shooting stars in the night sky. "Well, what do you think babe?" Aiden asked. "Probably one of the best date night ideas ever! It's way better than stargazing in the city." She replied with a big smile. "I told you it would be." He replied. "I'm definitely going to get some absolutely amazing shots of the sky on camera tonight." Maddie said. "You're pictures are always amazing!" Aiden replied.

An hour later, Aiden pulled the truck into the driveway of his Arizona home and took everything inside before going back out to carry a sleeping Maddie upstairs to bed. "Goodnight my love." He whispered setting her down on the bed and leaving the room. Just as he was about to close the door, Maddie stirred awake before sitting up. "Aiden?" She whispered in a sleepy voice. "Yes, I'm right here princess what's up?" He asked. "Don't go please. Can you cuddle with me?" she asked before laying back down.

"Yes, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." He replied stepping back into the room and pulling his hoodie over his head to reveal his tanned and muscular abs. Before getting into bed next to Maddie, he drew the sheets back before laying down and pulling the covers over them before pulling Maddie in closer to him. "Night A, I love you." Maddie whispered. "Goodnight princessa, I love you too." He replied placing a soft kiss on her forehead before closing his eyes to sleep.

Fast forward a few days later, Aiden and Maddie were in their way to enjoy the day at Magic Kingdom with Max and Stella.

"Ready to see Mickey and Minnie?" Stella asked as the group approached the park entrance. "Girl! I've been waiting for this moment since the day they told us we were coming here!" Maddie replied in excitement. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Max said excitedly before they made their way into the amusement park.

"Okay where to first ladies?" Max asked once they were standing inside the park. "Well I don't know... There's so much to do and see it's kinda hard to pick where we start." Stella said as they walked down Main Street. "Okay well Maddie did you want to decide since Stell can't?" Max asked looking over to his sister.

"Okay sure." She replied looking at the map of the park on her phone. "How about... The Pirates of the Caribbean first?" She said. "Alright I'm down for that." Max replied. "Me too! The Pirates of the Caribbean is one of my favourite Disney movies!" Stella said. "Aiden, you good with that?" Max asked patting his best friend on the back. "Yeah, sure." He replied.

Maddie put her phone back into her pocket and held Aiden's hand in hers as they began to make their way to the ride. "You okay?" She asked looking at him. "Yeah I'm fine." He gulped. "Are you scared?" Maddie laughed. "No I'm not scared!" He replied. "Bro, it's okay to be scared. We've all got our fears man." Max chimes in. "I think he's still shook from when Carelton spooked him a couple years ago before the game. Now whenever someone really scares him he goes flying!" Stella laughed. "Okay, maybe a little bit that wasn't cool!" Aiden defended himself.

After a long day of fun in the sun, an abundance of rides, meeting some of their favourite characters, grabbing some food and getting some souvenirs, it was time for the Main Street parade of lights followed by the fireworks. "I hope you're getting some really good shots with that camera." Max whispered to his sister. "Don't worry, I'm already on it and I've got you covered for that special surprise during the firework show." She replied.

As the parade came to an end, many people began to leave the park as it was closing time. "Wow, these fireworks are beautiful!" Maddie exclaimed. "Not as beautiful as you princess." Aiden said with a smile before placing a kiss on her lips. "Eeek! Oh my god this is soooo Instagram worthy!" Stella gushed over the picture she just took of Aiden and Maddie kissing with the castle and the fireworks in the background.

"Girl let me see that!" Maddie replied as Stella came towards her to show her the photo. "Awww you're right! Can you send that to me?" Maddie asked. "You know it!" Stella replied as Maddie went to catch up with Aiden who stood a couple feet away.

"Hey Stell?" Max asked standing behind her. "Yeah?" She replied. "We need to talk about something..." he said as Stella looked at him worriedly before looking over to Maddie and Aiden who were watching them ending of the firework show. "Wha- What is..." she began to say turning around to look back at Max who was now on one knee with a ring box in his hand.

"Stella McLean, Will you marry me?" He asked with a big smile on his face as she held her hands to her face with tears in her eyes as she nodded. "Yes Max, of course I will!" She said as he placed the ring on her finger and stood back up to give her a passionate kiss and wrapping her in his arms for a hug. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." She replied. "Maddie, you get the pics?" Max asked a couple minutes later. "All good brother!" She exclaimed. "Congrats you guys!" Maddie and Aiden said.

When they got back to their hotel, Aiden hopped into the shower while Maddie pulled the memory card out from her camera and went over to the desk where her laptop was set up. "Alright!" She said to herself as she got to work on editing pictures from the day and her brother's engagement.

"Whatcha doing princessa?" Aiden asked coming out of the bathroom shirtless and a towel wrapped around his waist. "Editing pictures from today." She replied. "Did you finish the ones from Arizona?" He asked going back into the bathroom. "Half way done on those ones but I told my brother I'd have these ones done for him and Stella tonight." She replied.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on their hotel room door. "Who is that?" Maddie asked. "It's your brother." Aiden replied opening the door. "Where's Stella?" She asked. "FaceTiming her parents to tell them about the news." Max replied. "I've got all your engagement photos and a few photos from today done for you." Maddie said as Max came over and took a look at the shots from today.

"Mads, these are amazing!" He said. "You even got the firework finally over the castle in the background on these shots." He exclaimed as Maddie scrolled through the selected photos. "Thanks for capturing our big moment tonight little M. They're perfect." Max said giving his sister a hug.

"Anytime big M. you know I'll always have your back big brother." Maddie replied before asking Max for his phone so she could airdrop all the photos to him. "Did you call mom and dad to tell them the news?" Maddie asked. "Yep and they're beyond excited about it." He replied.

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