Chapter 16

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A few minutes later, Aiden pulled into the Martin siblings' driveway and noticed Max's Jeep was gone. "Hey Aiden!" Maddie said opening the passenger door and getting in to Aiden's Range Rover. "Hey, how's it going?" He asked. "Good and you?" She replied. "It's going good and I'm not sure about you but I'm ready for an adventure filled afternoon." He replied. "Me too!" Maddie smiled.

"So what's your brother up to today?" Aiden asked as they pulled out of the driveway. "He's gone golfing with Thomson, Neilson, Holland and Andrews." Maddie replied. "Nice, I'm guessing Stella had plans today?" He asked. "Yep, she's spending the day with her friends." Maddie replied. "So where are we going on this adventure of your choice?" She asked after a few moments of silence.

"You'll see when we get there and I promise you, you'll love it!" Aiden replied stopping at a red light. "I think I might have an idea of where we're going." Maddie said as the car moved into motion again. "Oh yeah? Take a guess!" Aiden said. "You know I love being by the water so I'm going to say we're either going to Harbour front or the aquarium." Aiden threw his head back against his head rest as Maddie looked at him with a smile. "Am I right or am I right?" She asked. "Well you're right about the aquarium but what you don't know is that I've got more surprises up my sleeve." Aiden replied pulling into a parking garage.

After walking from the parking garage to the aquarium, Maddie checked her phone quickly before putting it back in her pocket. "Am I boring you already?" Aiden asked as Maddie's cheeks reddened a bit before she answered. "No, no! It's just Stella texted me but I'll answer her later. It's nothing important right now."

Meanwhile on the golf course, Zach was kicking his teammates' butts at every single hole they had played so far. "Holland buddy, save some game for the rest of us!" Cody said as the boys laughed. "Hey, it's not my fault that I learned from the best!" He replied referring to his dad. "Alright boys, let me show you how it's really done!" Max said getting ready to tee off. "We'll see about that!" Felix said before Max shot the ball as it flew across the sky and landed a few feet away from the flag. "See, not so bad." He said before the five guys walked towards the green.

"Hey, is Aiden going to tell your sister how he feels about her today?" William whispered to Max as they walked. " I think he plans on telling her at the aquarium today but I'm not sure." He replied before getting back to their golf game.

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