Chapter 56

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As the movie began, Maddie pulled the blanket up and drew it closer to her. "Don't tel me you're cold babe." Aiden said. "Just a little." She replied. Aiden took his hoodie off and gave it to her. "Here, I've got a long sleeve on. Take this." He said as Maddie took the hoodie from Aiden's hands and pulled it over her head. "Better?" He asked. "Much better! But can we still cuddle?" She replied. "Of course we can my love." He replied wrapping his arm around Maddie as she leaned into his chest.

Halfway through the movie, Stella and Maddie had fallen asleep while Aiden and Cody were half asleep leaving Kylie and the rest of the boys awake and watching the movie. Kylie took her phone out from her pocket and took a Snapchat before captioning it Best grad party thrown by my favourite family ♥️. After captioning it, she posted it to her story before going back to watching the movie and leaning her head on her brother's shoulder.

The next morning, Maddie woke up to the sound of birds chirping in the trees. She took her phone out from her pocket to see that it was only 4:30 in the morning. She looked around her to see Stella and Max sound asleep and cuddling. She then looked around to see who else had fallen asleep out in the backyard during the movie when she saw Kylie and her brother, William, Cody and Monte. When Maddie looked up to see if Aiden was still asleep, she noticed that he was starting to wake up.

"Good morning sleepy boy." She whispered as Aiden wiped his eyes. "What time is it?" He asked in a groggy voice. "4:30 in the morning." Maddie replied. "And we slept out here all night?" He asked as Maddie nodded. "Now that you're awake, want to go sit in the roof and catch the sunrise with me?" Maddie asked. "Sure but only if I climb up first so I can help you up and make sure you don't fall." He replied. "A, we're climbing out of my bedroom window." She said. "But okay, if you insist." She added as they both stood up and quietly made their way inside and up to Maddie's room. On their way past the family room, the two laughed quietly at Felix, Tyson and Tyler who had come in from last night and passed out on the couch.

"Here give me your hand." Aiden said extending his hand out to Maddie as she takes his offer and climbs out of her bedroom window and onto the roof. "It's chilly out here this morning." Maddie said sitting down next to Aiden and placing the blanket around the both of them. "Yeah it is but if you lean in closer to me, you won't be as cold." Aiden replied wrapping an arm around Maddie.

"It's so quiet and peaceful out here." Maddie whispered as she leaned her head on Aiden's shoulder. "That's because it's too early for the work to start up right now." Aiden replied. A moment of silence went by before Aiden spoke. "Oh here... I forgot to give this to you lat night." He said handing Maddie a small box. Maddie looked down at it then back up at Aiden. "Go ahead, open it." He said as Maddie slowly opened the box.

Once the box was fully opened, it revealed a silver chain and a red heart with the number 34 on it. "Aiden... it's beautiful." Maddie whispered. "It's a locket... open it up." He replied as Maddie did so to reveal a small picture of the two of them wearing Aiden's jerseys at a family skate the team had a while ago. "It's absolutely beautiful, I love it." Maddie said. "Can you help me put it on?" She asked. "Of course I can love." He said as Maddie passed him the necklace before moving her hair out of the way so Aiden could clasp the necklace around her neck. "There." He said once he was done. "Thanks babe." She replied before giving him a kiss.

"Look, the sun's rising!" Maddie exclaimed as the two sat there and watched the sun come up. "It's so pretty." Maddie said. "Here, let's take a selfie." Aiden said getting his phone out to take a picture. "Okay." "There, the perfect picture for a perfect post." Aiden said after taking the picture and captioning it for his Instagram. Rooftop sunrise with my love ♥️. "I have one more gift inside for you to open when we go in." He said. "Okay." Maddie simply replied.

"There you guys are!" Max said as both Maddie and Aiden turned their heads. "I woke up outside where we had fallen asleep and came in to change into some workout clothes before I took Zeus for a morning run and when I didn't see you guys downstairs I figured you'd be up in here." He said. "The birds woke us up so we decided to sit out on the roof and watch the sun rise this morning." Maddie replied.

Aiden and Maddie crawled through the window before standing up in Maddie's room. "Nice necklace!" Max said as Maddie rubbed her fingers across the locket around her neck. "Thanks, Aiden gave it to me." She replied. "I know, he showed it to me the other day." Max replied. "Here, open this one." Aiden said handing Maddie a big bag. Maddie took the bag from Aiden and began to pull the tissue paper out of the bag.

"Awww Aiden! It's so cute I love it!" She exclaimed once all the paper was pulled off to reveal a framed photo of the two of them kissing underneath a spotlight at centre ice of Centre street arena while wearing their jerseys. Maddie looked down underneath the photo to see the words You've Got My Heart. Love always Aiden. Along with the date they made their relationship official. "Thank you." Maddie said giving Aiden a tight hug.

"You guys want to go on a morning run before they all wake up down there?" Max asked after a moment of silence went by. "Yeah sure." Aiden replied. "Let me just change real quick. I'll meet you guys at the door." Maddie said before both boys made their way out of her room and down the stairs.

"Okay, I'm ready!" Maddie whispered coming down the stairs. "Okay, let's go." Max said opening the front door. "Hey once everyone wakes up can we go out to the diner for breakfast?" Maddie asked as the trio began to jog around the block. "Yeah if everyone's down for that I'm cool with it." Max said. "Yeah, I love the diner's food. It's always so fresh and good!" Aiden replied.

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