Chapter 83

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"Aiden look." Maddie said shaking her husband awake. "Wha-What is it?" He asked in a sleepy tone as he looked over to mid wife. "We're here!" She smiled. "Wow, it's so beautiful!" He replied as the two looked down on the island while the plane began to make its decent towards the runway.

After getting off the plane, grabbing their bags and taking a shuttle bus to the resort, the newly weds were checking into their hotel room and admiring the beautiful room they had with a breathtaking view of the ocean. Maddie set her bags down on the floor and walked over to the balcony to get a better look at the view. "Whatcha doing wifey?" Aiden asked as he stepped out onto the balcony and stood behind Maddie placing his hands on her side. "Look how gorgeous this place is... it's everything I've ever imagined it would be!" Maddie said in awe. "You know what the best part about it is?" She turned her head and asked. "What's that?" Aiden asked smiling down at her. "I get to enjoy it all and take it all in with my best friend by my side." She replied with a smile before giving Aiden a soft kiss.

After they enjoyed a nice romantic dinner, the couple walked hand in hand down the beach to take in the beautiful Hawaiian sunset. "I got a surprise for you princessa." Aiden said as Maddie looked up at him curious to know what it could be. "You do? What is it?" She asked. "Look over there." He smiled pointing to a blanket that was laid down in the sand with Aiden's jersey sitting there on a picnic basket as rose petals were dispersed in the sand around the blanket. "Oh my gosh... Aiden, this is beautiful!" Maddie exclaimed giving her husband a side hug. "I have my moments!" He smiled. "And I may or may not have gotten Jodie to fly out and take pictures of our adventures." He added with a smile.

"Oh my gosh, you did all this for me? Babe that's the sweetest and most romantic thing ever!" Maddie exclaimed as the couple sat down on the blanket and looked out onto the ocean. Maddie leaned her head on Aiden's shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her. "Anything for my girl. You've always got my heart Mads." Aiden whispered. "And you're always gonna have mine... Thank you mon amour, I love you." Maddie replied.

After a night of sitting on the beach and star gazing, the couple returned to their hotel room and snuggled up into the large king sized bed. "This is the perfect beginning to our new chapter together and I wouldn't change it for the world." Maddie said as she traced circles on Aiden's chest. "Couldn't have said it better myself. I love you Mrs.Stanley." Aiden replied. "And I love you too Mr.Stanley, goodnight." Maddie said. "Goodnight my love." He replied before turning out the light.

The following morning, Maddie got up early and stepped out onto the balcony to watch the sunrise. She quietly opened the door and closed it before taking a seat in one of the big cozy chairs that sat on the balcony. As she waited for the sun to come up, she sat there with her eyes closed listening to the sound of the waves. "Babe, what are you doing up so early?" Aiden asked in a raspy morning voice as he closed the sliding door behind him. "I couldn't sleep anymore so I came out to watch the sun rise." Maddie replied. "Scoot over, I'm coming to have a seat and watch this with you my love." Aiden said as Maddie moved over a little bit so Aiden could sit with her. "It's so peaceful out here." Maddie whispered nuzzling herself closer to Aiden's chest. "Definitely a lot more peaceful than it is at home." He replied as the married couple watched the sun begin to rise over to ocean.

"Ready to go?" Maddie asked throwing a tee shirt over her swim top. "Yeah, let's go. I booked us an hour surfing lesson down at the beach." Aiden replied grabbing his phone and room key from the night stand.

When the couple had reached the beach, they were warmly greeted by a staff member from the resort who had been waiting for them. "Aloha, my name is Johnny and I will be your surfing instructor for today." He smiled shaking both Aiden and Maddie's hand. "Aloha." They greeted in unison before following Johnny over to the surf shack.

"Hey look at you go babe!" Aiden exclaimed as he sat on his surfboard and watched Maddie practice surfing on her third wave. "You're a rockstar!" He shouted before Maddie took a small wipe out at the end of the wave. When Maddie resurfaced, she began to laugh at the rush of adrenaline she just had. "Alright hot shot, show me what you've got bubs!" She exclaimed as she got up onto her board ready to watch Aiden take on the next wave. "Okay, prepare to be amazed!" He smiled as he got ready to ride the next wave.

"Woooo! Go Aiden!" Maddie cheered as she watched Aiden take on the big wave. As the wave began to die down, Aiden began to lose his balance and fell off the board. Maddie paddled over to where Aiden had fallen off and laughed as he resurfaced. "Prepare to be amazed huh?" Maddie smiled as her husband propped himself up on her board. "What? You didn't enjoy the entertainment?" He asked. "Of course I did!" Maddie replied with a laugh before kissing Aiden.

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