Chapter 15

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When she got home, Maddie brought in the food and drinks putting them on the island in the kitchen. "Morning Mads." The boys said coming in from the backyard. "Morning boys. Here's breakfast!" She replied pulling the food out from the bag and giving each of them a wrap. "Thanks." They both replied.

"Thanks for breakfast Mads, I've gotta run now. I've got a shift down at the firehall this afternoon." Memphis said before heading out the front door. "Well should we get changed and go for our morning run?" Max asked after they had finished eating. "You go get some shorts and a hoodie on and I'll get Zeus ready to go." Maddie replied as the two separated into opposite directions.

"So what are you going to do today?" Maddie asked as her and Max ran down the street side by side. "Well William and Cody are coming over and we might go play a round of golf with Felix and Zach." He replied. "Nice!" Maddie said. "Did you find out where Aiden is taking you today?" Max asked as Maddie nodded. "No he said it's a surprise so I guess whatever it is, it'll be fun." She replied.

When the two got home from their morning run around the block, it was 10:45 am. Maddie made her way upstairs to her room and grabbed a pair of black jeans that had rips on each knee cap. Then she went over to her dresser and grabbed a peach coloured adidas tee shirt before going to have a shower.

After she got out of the shower, she changed into her outfit for the day and grabbed her mint coloured touque from her closet before pulling on her black school hoodie over her tee shirt. When she was done getting read for her afternoon with Aiden, Maddie went downstairs to the living room and was greeted by William and Cody. "Hey mini Marty." Will said. "Hey Willy." She greeted before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and going to watch tv with the boys.

Meanwhile back at Aiden's apartment, he was getting ready for the afternoon. He put on a pair of black ripped jeans, his light pink hoodie and black touque before grabbing his phone off the charger and keys to lock the door.

Once he got out of the elevator and into the parking garage and to his car, Aiden got into the driver's seat and started up the engine of his car before texting Maddie that he was on his way to pick her up.

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