Chapter 47

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"Alright let's get going girl!" Kylie exclaimed putting her sneakers on. "Okay, just give me a second." Maddie replied before walking into the kitchen. "Kye and I are going dress shopping. We'll be back in a few hours." She said to Max who was filling up Zeus's water dish before getting ready to make his own breakfast. "Okay, have fun I'll see you in a bit." He relied.

"Aux cord?" Kylie asked once they got into Maddie's jeep. "Only if you're playing the good stuff!" Maddie replied. "Oh yeah, you know it!" Kylie exclaimed as Maddie started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

"I saw your sister at work, I saw your mama at church, I'm pretty sure I saw your car at the mall..." the two girls sang as Sam Hunt blasted through the speakers of the Jeep.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the mall and were going through the entrance before mapping out which stores to check out. "Oh hey, let's go in here first. They've got some nice clothes." Kylie said as they stepped into Aritzia. "Okay." Maddie replied following her best friend into the store while scanning the different clothes in front of them.

"Ou this is cute!" Kylie exclaimed. "It is and that would totally look so good on you!" Maddie replied admiring the white tank top and stripped pants. "I like it but not for $95. I think I'll pass on this one." Kylie said putting it back on the rack. "Let's go check out H & M, they have some nice dresses and stuff we might like." Maddie said as they left the store and continue to browse other stores. "We'll need shoes to go with our dresses don't forget!" Kylie said.

"Well we can't buy the shoes until we have the dresses Kye." Maddie said as they entered H & M. "Right!" Kylie replied. "And we both know that my choice of footwear is going to be flats or sandals because I don't do heels!" Maddie said. "I know!" Kylie replied.

After a few hours of shopping, the two best friends got into the jeep and were off to Tim Hortons before Maddie drove Kylie home. "Girl I absolutely love the grad dress you picked out!" Kylie said as Maddie pulled into the drive thru line. "Yours is gorgeous! Especially with the little belt and flower printed shirt!" Maddie replied. "We're gonna look hot as fuck on grad day!" Kylie exclaimed.

Once Maddie had gotten the ice caps, she turned the music up and they cruised down the street towards Kylie's house. A few minutes later, they pulled into the driveway of Kylie's house. "Thanks for the sleepover and shopping!" Maddie said out the driver's window. "Anytime!" Kylie replied before closing the front door of her house.

Before Maddie backed out of her best friend's driveway, she picked up her phone and texted Max. Just dropped Kye off at her place, on my way home now. See you in about 15. She typed before putting her phone down and focusing on the road. When she came up to a stop sign at the end of the street, her phone buzzed with a reply from her brother. Okay, see you soon. Be careful and drive safe! It read.

"I'm back!" Maddie shouted stepping through the front door once she got home. "Hey!" Max yelled back. Maddie moved down the hall and into the kitchen to put her phone on the charger before heading up to her room to put her dress away. "Get your grad dress?" Max asked coming out of his room. "Yep, she's right here." Maddie replied lifting the bag up in her hand. "Am I allowed to see it?" Max asked. "Yeah, give me one second." Maddie said as the two stepped into her room. Maddie pulled the light blue dress out from the bag and held it up to show her brother. "So what do you think?" She asked. "It's a beautiful dress and definitely a Maddie type of dress." Max replied.

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