Chapter 63

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"So Maddie, how was your week up at the cottage with your brother?" Bianca asked making conversation with her brother's girlfriend at the dinner table in the restaurant as they waited for their dinner to be served. "It was pretty good. I got to spend a couple weeks relaxing and catching up with my brother and then the last two days we were up there, Will, Felix and Aiden came up to hangout." Maddie replied.

"Sounds like you had a nice time. It's always great to have that bonding time with your siblings, no matter how old you are. You'll have those memories to look back on for the rest of your life." Evie said as the waiter had brought their meals to the table. "Thank you." Brian said as the waiter placed a bowl of pasta in front of him.

"So I hear Aiden's taking you to Disney world for a couple weeks before you guys head back to Toronto." Alex said before having a drink. "Yeah, he actually surprised me a couple of weeks ago. We're meeting up with Max and Stella down at the resort." Maddie replied. "That should be fun." Evie smiled.

After they had dinner, the Stanley family and gone home and were now sitting around the fire table they had in their backyard. "It's beautiful back here." Maddie said admiring the beautiful backyard. "We spend a lot of time hanging out back here. It's our little family paradise." Brian said before taking a sip of his beer. A moment of silence had passed before Evie got an idea. "It's so nice and quiet out here tonight but I think we need some music to play in the backyard. What do you think mi amor?" She asked looking over at Brian. "That sounds like a great idea honey." He replied as Evie went to grab her phone to connect it to the blue tooth speaker. "There we go!" She exclaimed once it was connected and playing soft music in the background. "I think I'm gonna head up to bed now. I'm going golfing with dad in the morning and I've gotta be up early and ready to go." Bianca said getting up and saying goodnight to everyone before going into the house.

"Max did you book our flight out to Orlando?" Stella questioned coming into his room with the laundry basket on her hip. "Yeah, we booked it way before we surprised you and Maddie. So don't wordy, we're all set." Max replied as he helped his girlfriend fold the laundry and put it back in her suitcase.

Once she had finished folding her clothes and putting them back into her suitcase, Stella fell back onto the bed next to Max and starred up at the ceiling. "What's going on?" Max asked turning his head to look over at Stella. "I'm exhausted." She replied.

"Stell... Stella wake up babe." Max said an hour later waking his girlfriend up from her nap. "We've got to get ready for dinner with your family." He added as Stella sat up and stretched before checking her phone.

Back in Arizona, Brian and Evie had gone to bed while Alex stayed outside a little while longer with Aiden and Maddie. "Did you guys want a drink or anything?" Alex asked standing up. "No, I'm good thanks." Aiden replied. "Alright, Mads, did you want anything?" She asked. "A glass of water please." Maddie replied as Alexandra nodded. "Okay, I'll be right back." She replied opening the sliding door and going inside.

"Look at all those stars up there. It's so beautiful." Maddie said with her eyes glued to the sky. "See, I told you the night sky's beautiful out here in the desert." Aiden replied placing a kiss on the top of Maddie's head. The couple sat there in silence for a few minutes watching the sky and listening to Lover by Taylor Swift that played in the background. "Want to dance with me?" Aiden asked standing up from his seat. "Where did that idea come from?" Maddie questioned with a smile. "I don't know, just felt like the perfect moment for a slow dance with my princessa." Auston replied with his hand extended towards Maddie.

"Okay, I'll take you up on that offer lover boy." Maddie said as Aiden helped her up from her seat and pulled her in close to his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him before they began to sway back and forth. "You've got my heart Maddie. Forever and always." Aiden whispered into her ear. "Here's your-." Alex began to say but stopped halfway through her sentence when she saw her brother and Maddie dancing. Alex took her phone out and took a short video before she snapped a quick pic of them.

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