Chapter 37

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Around 5pm, Stella and Maddie began to get dinner ready. "You staying to watch the game with us tonight?" Stella asked Memphis. "Actually, I should get going. Meg's going to be home soon and I promised her I'd make dinner tonight." He replied. "But I'll be watching the game at home. I wouldn't miss it!" Memphis added as he got up from the seat he was sitting in and made his way towards the front entrance as Maddie followed behind to say goodbye.

"Voilà! Bonne appétit!" Maddie said placing the two dinner bowls down on the kitchen table. "Smells good!" Stella replied as she snapped a pic of Maddie. "Stell, come on no pictures! I look like a mess!" Maddie said when she noticed what Stella was doing. "Don't worry, it's only going to Max and Aiden and maybe Felix and Will." She replied. "I captioned it Chef Maddie serving up the good stuff! And in braquets I put 100% wifey material" she added as Maddie rolled her eyes before picking up some pasta with her fork before taking a bite.

Back in Vancouver, it was now getting closer to game time for the boys. "Talking to your girl Max?" Felix asked as Max looked up from his phone. "No I'm talking to my sister actually." He replied as Aiden turned his head. "What's my girl up to?" He asked. "She had a pregame nap like we always do on game day and now her and Stella are getting ready to watch the game in her room." Max replied as his phone buzzed. Max looked down at the screen to read the text from his sister. "And she also wishes us luck!" He added putting his phone away so he could finish putting his equipment on.

"Stella hurry up! The game's about to start!" Maddie yelled as Stella came running from down the hall. "Okay I'm here!" She replied getting comfy on Maddie's bed. "Alright here we go!" Maddie cheered as the ref dropped the puck and the Rockets won the face off.

"NO! Far side Willy! FAR SIDE!" Maddie shouted at the tv while watching the two offensive players from the Vultures move in towards William. "Pass across!" Stella shouted. "Yes!" Both girls said in unison as the puck was passed to Holland who was moving in towards the net. "Shoot!" Both girls yelled at the tv. Zach looked for opportunities and played the puck back to Tyson. Tyson took a couple of seconds before seeing an opening and shooting the puck.

"YES!" The girls jumped up and high five as the puck found itself in the back of the Vultures net. "Alright, line change!" Stella said as they both watched Max, Aiden and JT take their positions for the puck drop at centre ice. "Okay, come on A, you've got this babe." Maddie said focusing her attention to the screen.

"No no no! Shut them down Mont!" Maddie shouted at the tv. "No... No don't let him shoot!" Stella said as they watched the player out skate Monte and make his way to the net. "Okay Felix, you've got this!" Maddie whispered as she watched carefully. "Yes! Atta boy Andrews!" She cheered when Felix made a nice glove save.

"Great second period out there boys! We kept them on their toes and kept that lead. Now all we gotta do is get through the third and score some more goals." Coach Scott said to the team as they sat and listened to his pep talk. "Now let's get out there and kick some Vultures ass!" He exclaimed as the boys got hyped up and made their way back to the ice for the third period.

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