Chapter 18

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Meanwhile at the golf course, the group of boys had finished their game and were going to put their clubs in their vehicles before having lunch and a beer at the country club. "See I told you guys I was going to win!" Zach said. "Yeah and we all agreed winner was buying lunch and beers so in the end looks like you lost there buddy." Felix said as the other guys laughed.

"Will!" Max said as William turned in his steps. "What's up man?" He asked. "He told her! Maddie texted me before they left the aquarium and said that Aiden asked her to be his girlfriend." Max whispered. "No way! A man got a girl!" William whisper shouted. "Hey slow pokes!" Zach shouted as both Max and Will turned their heads. "You guys coming or what?" He asked as the two raced to catch up with the three other guys.

Back at Aiden's car, Maddie put on another Bieber song as Aiden turned onto an old back country road. "Where are we going?" Maddie asked. "It's one of my secret hangouts that not many know about. Well except maybe Max, Willy  and Felix." Aiden replied as he parked the car in an empty parking space. "And now you too." He added. "What are we doing here?" Maddie asked. "To have lunch on the beach." He replied before getting out of the car and running over to Maddie's side to open the door for her. "Thanks Aiden." She said swinging her legs over the seat and hopping out. "You're welcome." He replied before closing the door and grabbing a cooler from the back of the car. "Alright, follow me. I know the perfect spot to sit on the beach." Aiden said as he took Maddie's hand in his and walked towards a path.

"And here we are!" Aiden said as they came to a stop under a giant willow tree that looked out onto the water. "This is absolutely beautiful!" Maddie said taking in the amazing view before helping Aiden lay the blanket down. "Don't tell me I'm cheesy because I already know what I'm going to say is the cheesiest thing ever but it's not as beautiful as you." He said as Maddie laughed and slightly nudged Aiden. "Oh my gosh stop!" She said with a smile.

The two sat down as Aiden took out the food from the cooler before passing Maddie a drink. "Thanks." She said before taking the bottle and chugging half of it. Once all the food was set out into the blanket, the two began to eat and talk. "When the old lady told us we made a cute couple today, why's you cut me off when I was going to answer her? I mean we weren't a couple until after we talked to her so why'd you tell her we were?" Maddie asked. "Because, she was right. We do make a cute couple, just take a look at these photos we took today. They prove it." Aiden replied showing the girl all the photos from their aquarium adventure.

"These ones are cute and probably my favourite!" Maddie said showing Aiden the one of them looking at the tank with their backs to the camera and then the one of them looking at each other and smiling in front of the jellyfish tank. "Yeah, but do you want to know which ones my favourite one of you from today?" Aiden asked. "Sure, let's see it!" Maddie replied as Aiden scrolled to search for the picture he took of Maddie looking up at the sea turtles swimming above them with. Smile on her face. "This one." He said showing it to her. "Oh my gosh that's actually a good one! When did you sneak that pic?" She asked. "When you weren't looking obviously!" He replied with a grin on his face. "Well that's okay because I snuck this one of you when you weren't looking!" Maddie turned her phone and showed Aiden a picture of him looking at a shark and some fish swimming above him with a big smile on his face. "Well would you look at that! You got a rare pic of me smiling!" He laughed.

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