Chapter 38

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Back in Toronto, Stella was asleep while Maddie prepared to watch the third period. "Okay Zeus let's send Maxie our positive energy buddy." She said as she scratched behind the dog's ear. Aiden was taking the face off and passed the puck back to Monte who played it across to Tyler. "Skate up with it Ty." Maddie whispered. "Up to JT!" She said as she watched the puck glide across the screen. "Good now move into the zone...Shoot!" She whisper shouted. "Go for the rebound!" Max and Aiden moved in front and went for the rebound that bounced out again.

"Come on A... Don't play with it!" She whisper shouted as she watched him pas it across to Max who had passed it right back when he saw three players come at him. "Shoot!" Maddie said at the tv while running her hands through her hair. "YES!" She shouted as Stella jumped up in fear. "Woah what's going on?" She asked wiping her eyes. "Aiden just scored!" Maddie cheered. "What's the score?" She asked. "3-2 is." Maddie replied.

Once the game was over, Maddie turned off the tv and grabbed her phone off her nightstand to text both boys and congratulate them on their 4-2 win tonight. After texting them both, Maddie put her phone on sleep mode and placed it back on the night table before pulling her sheets over her body. "Good night Stelly." She said. "Night Mads." Stella replied as Maddie turned the lamp off and went to sleep.

A few days later, the boys were on their way home from their three day road trip. "The girls picking us up from the airport this afternoon?" Max asked as Aiden nodded. " I told Maddie I would text her when the plane landed." Aiden replied before closing his eyes for a nap.

"Stell, I'm going to take Zeus for a run, I'll be back in a bit!" Maddie said grabbing Zeus's leash off the hanger. "Okay make sure you're back before we have to leave to pick up the boys!" Stella replied. "Yep will do!" Maddie yelled putting Zeus in the leash before heading out the door.

"Come on buddy, let's go!" She said as she began to jog at a light pace while listening to music. "Help me, it's like the walls are caving in..." she sang as In My Blood played in her earbuds. As she jogged along the sidewalk, she smiled at an older couple walking past and then stopped for a little girl who asked if she could pet the dog. "What's your puppy's name?" The girl asked. "His name is Zeus. Did you want to see him do a trick?" Maddie asked getting to the little girl's level. "Yeah!" The girl cheered.

"Okay, ready?" Maddie asked her. "Yep I'm ready!" The little girl replied. "Hold your hand out like this." She told the girl as the girl out her hand out with the palm facing towards the sky. "Okay now watch... Zeus, shake hand." Maddie said as the dog lifted his paw and put it into the little girl's hand as she giggled. "Good boy!" She said giving him a treat. "What do you say to the lady for allowing you to pet her dog?" The dad said. "Thank you!" The little girl smiled. "You're welcome!" Maddie replied before the girl and her father carried on their walk.

"Okay come on buddy let's go home." Maddie said as she got back to jogging with Zeus. She took a turn onto a busy street and came to a stop at the intersection before looking every way to make sure it was all clear for her to go while the cars stayed at a stop to let her walk.

As Maddie was halfway across the street, a truck came out of nowhere and turned the corner. Just as Maddie made eye contact with the driver, it was too late, the driver slammed on his breaks and had hit her, sending her falling onto the hard concrete.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" The woman asked getting out of the truck and going over to see if Maddie was okay. Soon a couple of other people who were in their cars waiting at the intersection had gotten out of their vehicles and went to see if Maddie was okay. "Miss can you hear me? Miss?" A man said gaining no response from the girl. "Someone call 911 and tell them a female pedestrian was hit by a car while crossing the road and is now unconscious!" The man shouted. "I'm on it!" A teenage girl said dialling for help as the man searched for Maddie's ID.

"Oh my god, that's my neighbour!" A teenage boy in the crowd yelled as the man looked over at him. "Do you know her name son?" He asked. "Yeah... Yeah, her name is Maddie." The boy replied as the man signalled him to take hold of the dog's leash. "Ambulance and police are on their way!" The teenage girl exclaimed as sirens could be heard nearby. "Take the dog back to her house and tell whoever it is that answers the door what happened and that they're taking her to the hospital." The man said to the  boy before the boy ran home with Zeus in tow.

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