Chapter 55

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When everyone had arrived back at the house, Peter had fired up the bbq while Max got drinks for everyone. "Ou, You guys, we've got a few gifts for you two." Stella said to the girls. "You have to sit together to open this one." She added handing them each a medium sized gift.

"Um okay." They replied as Maddie went over and sat next to Kylie on the outdoor couch. "On 3?" Kylie asked. "On 3!" Maddie smiled. "1" "2" "3!" They shouted as they unwrapped the content of the bags. "Oh my gosh!" Kylie said. "Oh my god I love it!" Maddie exclaimed as she held up a picture frame that held a picture of her and Kylie at their kindergarten graduation, grade eight graduation, high school graduation and one from their college graduation photo session.

"Who's it from?" Bonnie asked. "I'm not sure... There was no card." Maddie replied. "It's a special gift from us. We thought you two might like to have a little piece of each other wherever  you go so we got these done for you." Kylie's brother said as he and Max smiled watching their sisters admire their special presents. "We love it! Thank you guys!" The girls smiled.

Once Kylie had finished opening her grad gifts, Felix handed Maddie a gift wrapped in red paper with a gold bow on top. "This ones from the boys." He said. Maddie peeled the paper back until it unveiled the gift the boys had gotten for her. "Oh my gosh stop it!" She said once she turned it around to show everyone what it was. In the frame was a picture of her and the guys during her photo session a few weeks ago among a collage of photos from over the years. "You guys, I love it! Thank you!" She exclaimed. "It's got everyone on there. There's a pic of you with JT and Jace, one of you and Felix that one time you wanted to learn how to play net and that picture of all of us throwing grad caps in the air with you." Monte said as the frame was being passed around for everyone to see. "Thank you guys so much! It means a lot!" Maddie replied.

"Alright folks! Dinner is ready so come on over and help yourselves!" Peter called over from the bbq a few minutes after the girls had finished opening presents. "Your grad gift from me is up in Max's room. I didn't bring it out because I was waiting on Stell for something. I'll give it to you later okay!" Aiden whispered to Maddie as they navigated their way over to the outdoor kitchen. Maddie simply nodded her head as they grabbed a plate each.

Later that night once it had gotten dark out, Peter had gotten a fire started at the fire pit while some of the group went for a swim in the pool. "I brought sparklers if you want to do them once we get out of the pool." Kylie said as she and Maddie shredded water in the deep end of the pool. "Sure and we can get some banger IG pics while we're at it!" She replied. "Okay cook!" Kylie said as the two decided to get out and dry off.

"We'll be back out in a few minutes." Maddie said to her mom while hugging her towel around her body while opening the patio door. "Okay, dad and I are heading out soon." Bonnie replied. " I think I'm going to get my pjs on once I go change." Maddie said going up the stairs to her room. "Why not just throw on a pair of roots pants for now?" Kylie asked following behind her. "You know what? That's an even better plan!" Maddie replied.

When the two had come back downstairs in sweats and tees, they grabbed stuff to make s'mores over the fire. "Don't forget the lighter!" Kylie reminded her. "We won't need it. We can put the sparklers into the flame to get them started. " Maddie replied opening the patio door and bringing everything out over to the fire pit. "There's some smores stuff here I'd you guys want to make some!" She announced. "And sparklers too if you're interested in doing those!" Kylie added. "I'll take a sparkler to do with you guys!" Stella replied getting up from her spot next to Max. "Mom can you take some pics for us please?" Maddie asked handing her phone to her mom. "Sure sweetheart." She replied as the girls lit  their sparklers and moved away from the fire pit to take some photos at the photo booth.

"Dad and I are heading out now!" Bonnie said as both her and Peter stood up and the Martin siblings followed them to the front of the house. "Thanks for coming today and for everything you helped with." Maddie said giving her parents a hug. "You're welcome sweetheart, we're both very proud of you and your accomplishments even though we couldn't be here every step of the way." Bonnie replied. "You guys travel safely and let us know when you make it okay." Max said giving his parent a hug.

"We set the movie screen up by the fire pit right?" Maddie asked her brother as they walked back towards the backyard to join the remaining guests out by the fire. "Yep we did!" Max replied. "Good because I'm in a movie mood right now." Maddie said. "Oh yeah? Which one?" Max questioned. "I was thinking maybe Moana or Finding Nemo." She replied. "Well, we can do a vote or watch both." Max said as they got back to their friends.

"What's going on Matty?" Zach asked as Max took his spot next to Stella. "Not much man but Maddie wanted to watch a movie if everyone's down for that." He replied. Yeahs and sûres could be heard amongst the group before Monte asked which movie the graduate had chosen. "I can't decide so we can either watch Moana or Finding Nemo." Maddie said. "Let's watch Moana!" Stella and Kylie exclaimed. "Boys? What's your pick?" Maddie asked. "Honestly, I'm good with either one." Felix and Will agreed. "Doesn't matter to me because I'm a little kid at heart either way!" Max said. "Okay, Moana it is then!" Maddie said preparing to play the movie before going to cuddle up under a blanket with Aiden.

"You're such a little kid you know that?" He said. "Yeah I know but nothing beats a good Disney movie!" Maddie smiled.

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