Chapter 7

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The next morning, Maddie woke up in her bed, the sun was beaming through the window. Max walked past his little sister's room and stopped at the door. "Morning Mads!" He said as she sat up and wiped her tired eyes. "Morning." She replied. "Ready for our busy day?" Max asked as Maddie nodded and got out of bed. "I'll be ready for our morning run in about 5 minutes." She replied closing her bedroom door to and change into her workout clothes.

After going on a run, the Martin siblings came back home and made their morning breakfast smoothies before getting ready to go to the rink. "What time's practice this morning?" She asked as Max grabbed his car keys off the counter. "9am." He replied as they made their way out the door and to the Jeep.

"Can you put some Drake on?" Max asked turning the corner to go into the Main Street. "Sure!" Maddie replied scrolling through her playlist. "Just have to make a quick stop before we go to the rink." Max said pulling up to a condo complex. "Alright, who are we picking up for practice today?" Maddie asked as the back door of the Jeep opened. "Hey guys!" William said hopping in. "Hey Willy" Max said greeting his teammate. "Cody should be out in a minute." William said buckling his seatbelt. "Hey guys, sorry you had to wait for me!" Cody said putting his bag in the back and hopping in the backseat next to Will.  "It's okay, we've still got time to kill before practice." Max said pulling out of the complex and onto the road. "What time is it?" Cody asked. "It's only 7:30am" Maddie replied as Cody groaned and leaned his head back. "Wake me up when we get there!" He said closing his eyes.

"Cody, we're here buddy." William said shaking his teammate awake. "Alright boys, grab your gear!" Maddie said opening the back of the Jeep as the three boys grabbed their equipment. Maddie closed the back as Max turned around to stop her. "Aren't you going to grab your stuff?" Max asked as Maddie gave him a confused look. "But I didn't bring my stuff." She replied. "Look again." He said as Maddie opened the back up. "Check the secret compartment." Max said as his sister lifted up the cover up by the handle. "You put my gear in here didn't you?" She asked pulling her bag out of the trunk and throwing it over her shoulder.

"I did." Max replied with a smile while locking the car and making his way into the arena with his sister by his side. "Coach gave me permission to let you practice with us today." Max said. "But that's only if you want to." He added. "Really?" Maddie asked. "Yep!" Max replied as the sliding doors of the rink opened.

"Morning Max!" Scott Kelson said walking towards the dressing rooms. "Morning coach!" He replied. "Maddie you made it!" Scott said noticing her standing at her older brother's side. "I did and thank you for letting me join your team for practice today!" She replied with a smile. "Oh no problem, it's my pleasure! Your brother told me all about you and your team!" He replied opening the door to the coaches dressing room. "Alright, go put your stuff in the ref's room and I'll meet you back out here. We're starting with gym training this morning then hitting the ice at 9:30." Max said before walking into his team dressing room.

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