Chapter 78

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The next day when Maddie and Aiden had woken up, it was pouring rain outside. "Well Zeus, so much for our morning run. Eh buddy?" Maddie said as Zeus's ears perked up at the sound of his name. "Well we may not be able to go for a run this morning but we can go for a drive." Aiden mentioned as he got out of bed and stretched. "Alright, I'm down for a drive." Maddie said hopping out of bed. "I'm going to have a quick shower then when you're ready we can head out" Aiden said grabbing a change of clothes from his bag and heading into the bathroom. "Come on Zeus, let's go get you some breakfast." Maddie said as her dog followed behind.

"Any specific stops you want to make today?"Aiden asked as they drove around and towards some back roads. "Well... There is one place I have in mind..." Maddie smiled. "Oh yeah and where would that place be?" Aiden asked looking over at Maddie. "The cottage?" She replied with a questionable tone. "Like for the day?" Aiden asked. "I was thinking just for like an overnight thing." She replied. "But we didn't bring any overnight stuff with us." Aiden said. "I may have packed some stuff for us while you were in the shower. Plus I leave some extra clothes up there all year round." Maddie replied. "Well I guess that cottage it is then!" Aiden said as they continued driving down some country roads as the rain began to lighten up a bit. "I don't care if it's raining up there or not. I just want a change of scenery with two of my favourite boys." Maddie smiled as Aiden placed his hand on her thigh.

"Aiden come on man! We've got a practice to get to!" Max yelled to his best friend from the front door of Aiden and Maddie's appartement. "I'm coming man! I just can't find my keys!" He exclaimed appearing from the hall. "You mean the keys you left sitting on the island last night?" Maddie grinned from the front door where she was putting her sneakers on. "Oh there they are! Thanks babe." Aiden replied picking them up off the counter before the trip was out the door.

September had arrived once again which meant that the boys were back to being on the ice for practice as their home opener was tomorrow night. "You guys have a busy weekend. With practice today, optional skate in the morning and can't forget tonights home opener game." Maddie said as the three stepped into the Centre street arena, home of the Toronto Rockets. "Yeah and so do you Mads." Max replied. "Yeah but not as busy as yours. I'm working the morning practice and tonight's game." She replied.

"Welcome back boys! Maddie, great to see you again!" Scott greeted. "Thanks coach!" Aiden and Max replied in unison. "Great to see you too Scott!" Maddie smiled. "Would you like to hit the ice with us for the team's optional skate tomorrow morning?" He asked. "I heard you weren't working it so I figured if you'd like to join us for a skate, you're more than welcomed to do so." He added.

"I'm not sure yet, there's a possibility I might hop on the ice but we'll see. Thank you for the offer by the way." Maddie replied before they parted ways. Maddie went over to the bench where one of the trainers had set up some pucks and put out the team water bottles. The trainer exchanged a few words with Maddie before getting back to work as Maddie took her camera out to get started on taking photos for today's practice.

That night after the game, Maddie waited for Aiden and her brother to come out from the dressing room. "Great game tonight Willy!" She exclaimed as William popped out of the locker room with his bag slung over his shoulder. "Thanks bestie!" He replied with a pearly white smile. "You hitting the ice at optional skate tomorrow morning?" He asked. "Yeah I think I'll give it a go. I haven't he a skate in a while so I'll be there." She replied. "Alright I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Have a good night Mads!" Will said before heading towards the exit.

"Hey there she is! My beautiful princessa!" Aiden said coming out from the locker room with a big smile on his face. "Great game tonight A. You scored one hell of a goal to win the home opener!" Maddie replied giving Aiden a hug as he wrapped an arm around her and gave her a soft kiss. "Thanks babe, buddy never saw that one coming!" Aiden replied as Max stepped out of the dressing room next. "Great game out there tonight Max!" Maddie exclaimed giving her brother a hug. "Thanks kid! A 4-2 win against the Pythons on home opener night... I'll take it!" He laughed.

"How's Stell doing?" Maddie asked. "She's doing good. Just wants baby Martin out already." Max replied. "Hey I don't blame her! Auntie Maddie's all ready to spoil baby Marty!" Maddie smiled. "And uncle Aiden's ready to train the little man on how to game with us!" Aiden said as the three of them laughed. "I hear you're hitting the ice with us tomorrow at optional practice?" Max said. "Yeah but Scott told me I didn't have to go full gear cause I'll be working on shooting drills and passing with you guys before the scrimmage." Maddie replied.

"Alright well, I think it's time for us to head out now. What do you say?" Aiden asked. "Yeah, I'm ready for bed." Maddie replied. "Me too!" Max said as the three made their way to the exit of the arena and into the parking lot. "Tell Stella I said hi okay Max?" Maddie said to her brother. "Will do chief! I'll see you guys at practice tomorrow. Good night!" Max replied before heading off to find his car as Aiden and Maddie did the same. "Night!" They both shouted in reply.

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