Chapter 27

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"Want to come downstairs and grab a snack? Aiden should be here soon." Max said as he stood up from the bed and made his way to the door. "Not a smack but I'll come down for a glass of water." Maddie replied following her brother down the stairs. "All better now?" Stella asked when they reached the open concept kitchen. "All better." Maddie confirmed opening the fridge to grab the water jug. "Hey guys, what did I miss?" Aiden asked walking into the room.

"I just came down to grab a glass of water and going back up to my room. So not much really." Maddie said before putting the water jug back into the fridge before giving Aiden a hug and kiss. "I'll be up to see you in a few minutes. Okay?" Aiden said as Maddie smiled. "Okay."

"She seems to be in a better mood now." Aiden said to Max and Stella once Maddie had left the room. "I went up and talked to her about what happened." Max replied. "And how did that go?" Stella and Aiden asked. "Good because she smiled at the end when I told her that girl's just a jealous bitch who thinks she's too shit." He replied. "Well at least she won't be going to bed mad about it tonight." Stella replied going over to the couch.

When Aiden walked into Maddie's room, he saw the girl sound asleep in her bed while her tv and string lights were the only source of light  in the room. He placed the snacks down in the night stand and carefully sunk into the empty spot in Maddie's bed. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead while running his fingers through her hair. Soon Maddie stirred and turned towards Aiden slowly opening her eyes.

"Hi babe." She greeted in a sleepy voice. "Hi." Aiden whispered in reply. "What time is it?" She whispered. "1:30am" Aiden replied. "Go back to sleep okay princessa." He added as Maddie closed her eyes again and wrapped an arm around Aiden. "Okay." She said cuddling close to him. "I love you." Aiden whispered. "I love you too." She said back to him before falling into a deep sleep. Aiden turned off the tv and pulled the sheets over the both of them before he too closed his eyes to get some sleep.

The next morning, Aiden woke p to Maddie still cuddled up to him. As he laid there for a few minutes, he looked at Maddie who was still sound asleep. Aiden slowly turned to check the time reading 6:30 am. He carefully got up and out of bed. He put the covers back over to Maddie before exiting her room to head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning Marty." He said to Max who was already awake and getting Zeus some food and water. "Morning A Train. Sleep well?" Max asked. "Yeah, how about you?" He replied. "You know, I actually slept great last night." Max said putting the bowl of water down for Zeus. "Maddie awake yet?" He questioned. "No, she fell asleep before I went up last night and now she's still sound asleep up there." Aiden replied.

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