Chapter 69

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"Hey Mads, how you feeling girl?" Stella asked sitting next to her on the edge of the bed. "I feel like I just got hit by a fucking bus." She groggily replied. "Well I drew you a nice warm bubble bath when we got home. The water's still nice and hot." Stella smiled. "Thanks Stell." She replied getting up off her bed. "You go get settled into the tub and I'll grab you some comfy clothes and bring them in for when you're ready okay?" Stella said as she too stood up from the bed.

"Okay, thanks Stelly!" Maddie said before disappearing into her bathroom. Once Stella had gotten Maddie's clothes together, she knocked on the bathroom door. "Come in." Maddie said from the other side. "Here's some sweats and a hoodie for you. How you feeling now?" Stella asked placing the clean clothes on the counter. "A bit more relaxed but Stell, I look so bad with a black eye." She said as tears began to stream from her face. "Mads, don't cry babes. To be honest with you, it makes you look kinda badass plus you should have seen how bad the other guy was once Aiden got his hands on him." Stella said.

"I'm going to go downstairs and grab something to eat. If you need me, shoot me a text okay girl?" Stella said beginning to close the the bathroom door behind her. "Okay. Oh and Stell, is Aiden still here?" Maddie asked. "Yeah, he's downstairs. I told the guys to stay down there while I helped you up here." She replied. "You want me to send him up?" She asked. "Yeah cause once I'm out of this tub and dressed. I want cuddles!" Maddie smiled. "Okay, I'll send him up with an ice pack for your eye and snacks in case you're hungry." Stella replied. "You're the best!" Maddie said as Stella smiled. "I know!" She said.

"So how's my sister feeling now?" Max asked once Stella appeared in the open concept kitchen and living room area. "At first she said she felt like she got hit by a bus and now she's feeling a bit more relax. She's not a fan of the black eye the guy left her with though. I told her it makes her look bad ass." Stella replied. "Did you tell her she should have seen the other guy? I beat his ass pretty good!" Aiden replied. "I did." She said.

"Oh she also wanted to see you so I told her I'd send you up with an ice pack for her eye and some snacks in case she was hungry. So here's the ice pack and some sliced apples." Stella said handing Aiden the ice pack in one hand and a bowl of sliced apples in the other.

"Thanks Stella." He replied before exiting the room and heading up the staircase and into Maddie's room. Before opening the door, Aiden knocked softly for entry permission. "Mads, it's me babe. Can I come in?" He asked as soft doorsteps could be heard on the other side of the door.

A moment later, the door opened and Aiden walked in towards the bed where Maddie was laying either face turned away from Aiden's view. "I brought you some apples and an ice pack for your eye." He softly said placing the bowl on the night stand. "Thanks A." She replied.

"Mads, are you okay babe?" He asked sinking into the bed next to her. Maddie slowly turned around to look at her boyfriend with tears in her eyes. "Don't cry princess. It's okay." Aiden reassured her bringing her into his chest. " I didn't want you to see me like this... I look horrible!" She cried. "No you don't babe! If anything that eye proves you're a fighter and you're strong." He replied. "It's so ugly though. I didn't deserve any of this." She cried again. "I know, I know. Nobody deserves this but Mads, you're beautiful just the way you are and that's not going to change... Ever." He whispered at the end.

"I fell in love with your personality not your looks Mads. Those were just a bonus. It's what I'm the inside that counts because beauty comes from within." He adds as Maddie looked up at him with a small smile. "What?" Aiden asked. "You're such a big softie. But you're my big softie and I love you." She said. "And I love you too my princessa. You'll always have my heart." He said before placing a kiss on the top of he head.

"Now let's ice that bad boy." He said handing Maddie the ice pack that she had placed on the night table. "Want to pas me those apple slices too please." She asked. "Thanks." Aiden put on an episode of Friends while Maddie enjoyed her apple slices. "What time is it?" She asked. "3:30am." He replied checking the time on his lock screen.

A couple minutes later, Max and Stella had made their way upstairs to head off to bed. "Hold on, let me check on Maddie." He whispered as he stopped in front of his sister's bedroom door. "Looks like they both fell asleep." He whispered to Stella. "While watching Friends." He added before quietly going into his sister's room and turning off her tv.

As Max began to close the door to her room, he noticed she was stirring in her sleep and moved her head towards the door. "Max?" She questioned softly. "It's okay Mads, I just shut off your tv. Go back to sleep okay." He whispered in reply. "Okay. Goodnight." She whispered cuddling closer to Aiden. "Night kiddo. I love you." Max replied. "Love you too she said before closing her eyes.

"Okay, let's go to bed." Max said to Stella once he closed the door and made his way a couple doors down the hall into his own room. "How did her eye look?" Stella asked getting into Max's bed. "Still swollen but not as bad as it was when we left the bar." Max replied before going to brush his teeth. "That's good. Means the swelling is going down." Stella said.

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