Chapter 31

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Now at the arena, the boys got out of their cars and made their way down to the locker room to change for pre-game stretching warmups. "Good luck out there!" Maddie said as the boys walked down the hall.

Soon the first period was halfway through and the boys were trailing behind 2-0. "Come on Marty!" Memphis shouted at Max who had taken the puck into the Ottawa Otters zone. "Shoot!" Stella and Maddie yelled as Max shot the puck and the goal horn went off. "WOOO!" Memphis shouted in excitement. "Yeah buddy!" Maddie shouted as the crowd continued to cheer.

"I'm going to get a drink. Want anything?" Memphis asked the girls at intermission. "No I'm good thanks." Stella smiled. "Actually, I'm feeling kinda hungry so I'm gonna come with you." Maddie replied getting up and following her best friend up the stairs.

"So what did you bring me girlfriend?" Stella asked when the two came back. "Some chocolate and candy." Maddie replied sitting down just as the both teams came back out for the second period.  "Ou yum!" Stella said as Maddie opened the chocolate first.

"Rockets goal his 45th goal of the season number 34 Aiden Stanley!" The announcer said as the crowd went wild. "Assisted by number 18 William Neilson and number 44 Monte Reid." The announcer added before the now tied game resumed.

At the end of the night, the Rockets had won 4-3 in overtime and the arena began to clear out. "Willy and Cody said they're having the team over for drinks tonight but I'm not sure if it's at Willy's place or Cody's." Stella said. "Probably Cody's since his place can fit more people than William's cute and cozy apartment." Maddie replied when they stood up to go down to the team lounge to wait for the boys.

"Great game tonight best friend!" Maddie said to William as he appeared in the lounge. "Thanks Mads!" He replied. "KD is having some of the guys over for drinks, you guys coming?" William asked. "Depends on who's driving me home from the rink. But most likely it's a yes." Maddie replied.

"That would be me and yes we'll be there. Just have to get out of this game day suit before we go over to Cody's." Aiden replied appearing next to Maddie. "Alright, I guess we'll see you in a bit then." Will replied before heading out to the parking lot.

"Hey buddy, great game tonight!" Memphis said to Max while they did their handshake. "Thank you brother." Max replied. "You coming to KD's place with us tonight?" He asked his best friend. "No I'm heading home to Meg. We're having a movie night." Memphis replied as the group of friends began to walk to the parking lot.

"Want to spend the night at my place tonight?" Aiden asked Maddie as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the streets of Toronto. "Yeah I'm cool with that." She replied. "Perfect." Aiden smiled. "Just pack a few clothes did overnight and you can leave your bag in my car. That way when we leave Cody's place we can head straight home to my place." Aiden added.

After they had changed into more casual and comfortable clothing, Aiden and Maddie were now at Cody's place engaging in conversation with other players from the team as well as some of the wives and girlfriends that were there. "So you and Aiden?" Eryn asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh my god! They're the cutest couple I've ever seen!" Stella gushed in excitement as heat rose on Maddie's cheeks. "When did that happen?" Tessa asked. "A couple days ago." Maddie replied. "We made a bet a hockey practice and if I lost i had to go on an adventure of his choice with him and if he lost he had to buy me lunch." She added as the girls looked at her waiting for more information.

"So who lost the bet?" Eryn asked. "I did so I went the adventure he had planned which was to the aquarium and then an older lady took some pictures for us in front of the jellyfish. She told us we made a cute couple and I was about to tell her we were just friends but he cut me off and thanked her. I asked him why he cut me off after that and then he asked me to be his girlfriend." Maddie finished as all the girls replied in awe.

Maddie made her way over to the kitchen to grab herself another vodka soda when she was greeted by her brother. "What's going on Mads?" Max asked as she opened her drink. "Nothing much and you?" She replied. "About to play some beer pong against Tyler and Monte." Max replied. "Nice! Also, I'm spending the night at Aiden's tonight." She said as Max nodded.

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