Chapter 6

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Back at the house Max, Stella and Felix stood at the bottom of the driveway secretly watching Aiden and Maddie. "I think Maddie might be crushing on Aiden." Stella said as both Max and Felix laughed. "What? You guys don't see it?" She asked. "We saw what you saw but I don't think that's it babe." Max replied. "Then what is it then?" She asked. "I think Aiden's crushing on mini Max!" Felix chimed in. "There's no way Aiden Stanley is crushing on Maddie!" Stella replied as Max and Felix laughed again. "Stell, babe..." Max paused. "Yeah?" She asked. "Aiden told me a few weeks ago." He replied. "He's liked Mads for a good two months now." He finished as Stella stood there in school.

"We're back!" Maddie shouted entering the front door. When she arrived to the kitchen, she grabbed a treat for Zeus and made her way upstairs to shower and change into some pjs.

"So how was your run?" Stella asked as Aiden took a seat in the chair. "Good, she outran me at first but I caught up in the end." Aiden replied. Maddie came back down into the living room wearing a pair of plaid pjs pants and a hoodie. "Why's everyone still sitting inside?" She asked. "Why aren't we sitting around the fire table in the backyard?" She suggested.

"It's beautiful out here tonight!" Felix said taking in the starry sky. "Sure is!" Maddie replied standing next to Felix and keeping her eyes focused on the sky. "You guys want a beer?" Max asked getting up to go grab some drinks. "Sure, if you're having one." Aiden replied. A moment of silence passed by before Stella spoke. "You know what we need out here?" Felix, Aiden and Maddie looked at her and in unison replied "What?" Stella smiled. "We need some music!" She said as Max came back with three beers. "Maddie you should bring your guitar out!" Stella exclaimed. "I... I don't know Stell. I don't sing in front of people." She replied shyly. "It's okay, you don't need to sing, you can just play for us." Aiden said as Stella gave Maddie a look to go and grab her guitar. "Alright, I'll go." Maddie said getting up and going inside to grab her guitar.

A couple of minutes later, she reappeared with her guitar in hand. "Alright, any song requests?" She asked taking her seat between Max and Aiden. "How about some Ed Sheehan?" Felix asked as Maddie began to string the chords of her guitar to the tune of Perfect. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before deciding she'll give it a shot at singing in front of her brother's friends. Stella smiled and took her phone out to record the moment while Max took a picture of his younger sister to post it on his Instagram.

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