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this 1 explains what katara meant by "im rlly confused", bcs ppl often think she rejected aang when she did anything but. kataras pov :)

I sat on a rock, I was thinking about that horrible play...How dare they write it as I love Zuko?! I love A- I love Aa- I LOVE AANG! Wait, what? I mean of course I do, he's my best friend...Then why do I feel this way towards him? He's twelve! Why the spirits do I feel attracted to a twelve year old, bald kid?! I mean he is pretty attractive, mind you. UGH! IF ONLY I DIDN'T TURN HIM AWAY! I love him, I'm in love with a kid...I could've just said, "Because of the war, we shouldn't date." and left it at that. Not tell him I'm confused when I'm clearly not, I've loved him since- since...since?!

UGH, WHY IS BEING IN LOVE SO HARD?! It wasn't hard when I had a crush on Jet, so why's it hard when I'm in love with someone like Aang? I slowly realise, I've had feelings for him since we saw Aunt Wu and I've been in love with him since our first kiss...Maybe I should talk to Sokka, he's had two girlfriends in total. But he can't know about my feelings for my best friend, he'll tease me! Then Zuko comes, "Oh hey 'Tara." He said, "Hey." I replied, "I have a question." I ask him, he nods. "What's it like to be in love?" I ask, he blushes at my question. "Uh, why?" He asks...

"No reason!" I quickly say, lying. "Yeah, right(!)" He says, oh spirits. "Who do you love?" He asked, "No one!" I whisper-shout, "Aang?" He asks, I blush. "Knew it, Sokka owes me a silver piece and he better gimme it soon!" He whisper-shouts also, I look at him. "You were betting on who I love?" He laughs, "Yep, Toph and your brother have been since your dance while at the Fire Nation." The fire bender proudly admits, I humph and fold my arms over my chest. "Don't worry, you two look pretty cute together." He tells me, I blush. He's not wrong though...

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