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yes, i wrote another 1shot w/ this name but this 1 is actually fluff and v happy.

I wake up in the morning to see blue arrows around me, I smile. If I see those arrows, I always know I'll be safe. "Good morning, Sweetie." I say, "Morning." My husband says, I give him a brief kiss. We then hear some of his air acolytes, "Do we have to wake up?" I ask, he shakes his head. "As it is a special day, we may do whatever we please." I nod, then get up. "Hey, where are you going?" He asks, "Well Bumi's not going to feed himself, is he?" I mention, "He's almost four, and anyway it's now been five years since you married the mighty Avatar." He jokes, I roll my eyes.

I look at him, "It's funny how the most powerful person ever so far, is so lazy." I say, he laughs. "You've got a point!" We then go down to breakfast, our son is already waiting. I then am about to make pancakes but my husband beats me to it, "Wow." I say, he shrugs. "Okay, make sure not to burn the house down." I tell him, he scoffs. "What do you wanna do, later?" I ask, "We could go penguin-sledding." He suggests, I look at him. "What? It's been sixteen years since we last went." He reminds me, "Alright." I say, he then comes with the food. Thankfully, not burnt...

A few hours later, we approach the iceberg. "Ah yes, the iceberg I was in for a 'few days'." He said, "Spirits, you were so naive thinking there was no war." I say, laughing. "Wait, you met here?" Our son asks, I nod. "It was extremely romantic." My husband says, "In your dreams!" I replied, "You're right, it my dreams." He mentions, I give him a kiss. "Ugh, oogies." The child says, we look at each other. Then I get a penguin and so does my husband, yet our son doesn't. "Come on son." He says, the boy shakes his head. "I don't want to hurt them." He tells us.

"Bumi, it's not gonna hurt them. They, in fact, have fun too." I say, he nods then gets one. "THIS IS FUN!" He shouts, then the air bender I love makes our son go higher than us. "That's cheating!" I say, in a baby voice. "Well, you didn't seem to care when I did that sixteen years ago." He mentions, I roll my eyes jokingly at this. Then our son reaches the end, "I WON!" He says, we laugh. Then we approach the abandoned Fire Nation ship, "Oh, that ship looks scary. Can we go in?" Our son asks, we shake our heads. He sighs, as me and my husband have a kiss.

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