Spin the boomerang

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The six teens, well one almost, sat down. "I have an idea." The male warrior said, his sister glared. "If it's to play truth or dare, it's not happening." She told him, he rolled his eyes. "No, it's a game called 'Spin the boomerang'. Only rule is: If it lands on me for you, Katara, let's say. Then you spin again, otherwise you have to kiss whoever it lands on." He says, they all nod in agreement...

The female warrior spun it and it landed on the fire bender, "Aw, come on! I have a boyfriend." She said, mad. "And I love someone else." He said, mad. They then had a brief kiss before they gagged at it, then it was the next person.

The Avatar spun it, and it landed on the earth bender. "Monkey feathers!" He half shouted, the water bender squeezed her fist in jealousy. They then had a second-long kiss before they both got rid of it.

Then the fire bender spun it, it landed on the water bender. The Avatar stared jealously, it happened much to their disgust...

Then the water bender finally had her chance, it landed on the Avatar thankfully for them both. They then got up, had the kiss. "Alright, that's enough." Her brother said, as he saw his best friend kiss his sister for a long time.

The male warrior then spun it and it landed on his girlfriend, he celebrated. They then had a long kiss, then sat back down.

She then spun it, and as a win-win it landed on her boyfriend. They kissed a long time again, everyone laughed it off.

The air bender spun it and it landed on the water bender, she looked at him. They then had, yet another, long kiss. He placed his hands on her shoulders, she placed hers on his waist area. "Alright, get your hands off my sister!" The male warrior shouted, they backed away from each other.

"Snoozles, chill. Let Sugar Queen and Twinkle Toes express their vast love for each other." The earth bender joked, but she was 100% serious about the 'vast love for each other' part. He glared at her, she laughed.

"Alright, who's the other person you love Zuko?" The female warrior asked, he sighed.

"My ex girlfriend, Mai. I left her to join you five..." He confessed, she nodded.

The water bender sighed, as she sat down. "You okay, 'Tara?" Her brother asked, she nodded lying. The Avatar then got up, she joined him...


"Were those pity kisses?" He asked her, throwing pebbles into the water for entertainment.

She shook her head, "No, they weren't." She admitted, he looked at her.

"You don't have to lie, I'd understand if you're just trying to stop my feelings getting hurt." He said, throwing more.

"Aang...it's not like that." She told him, he looked at her.

"Then how is it?! I have to defeat the Fire Lord in four days! Why don't you just admit it now? Then you'll be happy, I don't care." He told her, mad.

"Please, I'm telling you. It's not like that!" She shouted, he rolled his eyes.

"Go on, tell me. You can say it-" He shouted back, she sighed.

"But I can't, okay?! I can't because there's a war going on!" She yelled, tears in her eyes.

"Who cares about the war, right now?! TELL ME KATARA!" He yelled back, tears were forming in his eyes too. She sighed, knowing she will regret yelling it.

"Fine- I'm in love with you, Aang! I have for months on end, happy now?!" She exclaimed, he looked at her.

"What?" He asked, she cried.

"I didn't want to loose you." She admitted, he walked over to her.

He pushed his lips to hers, crying. She, stunned and shocked at first, joined the kiss...

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