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this is v sad tbh at 1st, but its happy at the end. so enjoy, also if this makes u scared/sad im sorry!

The water bender looked at her husband, "You okay, Sweetie?" He asked, she looked at him. It had been a day since he got back after a month, she started to cry.

"Why are you never home?" She asked, the Avatar sighed.

"I don't know, okay. It's not my fault, everyone just needs my help. I wish I had more time with you, but I don't!" He shouted, unknowingly fire bending right at her. She started to cry, at the burn mark she got on her arm, paralleling when he first fire bent... "Sweetie, I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed, seeing her crying before she ran away.


She held her legs, on the bed she was on, "Go away," she sniffled as she saw him at the door.

He got down, with some bandages in his hand, "No, I care about you- Now, please let me help." He pleaded, she swivelled to the other side.

"No, just go away." She sniffled more, he brought her arm and started bandaging it up.

"I already told you, I care about you. Just trust me, okay?" He questioned, she nodded. 

"Okay, I trust you." She wept, he kissed her forehead.

"You're so beautiful, I'm sorry I hurt you. Maybe later, it can be healed." He smiled, she did too then shuffled to him.

"I love you so much, Sweetie." She kissed his cheek, he picked up her chin to look up.

"I love you so much too, Sweetie." He then kissed her instead, and she happily joined it.

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