Sheer bewilderment

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The Avatar and his wife got off his sky bison, their son ran to them. "What are you doing here?" He questioned, his father got to his height.

"I don't think you or Kya are in trouble, but the principal said for us to see him." He told him, he nodded.


"Alright-y, Avatar Aang and Master Katara. An honour to see you." The principal said, just before looking at them.

"What? Is our daughter or son not behaving?" She asked, he shook his head.

"Sorry, it's just you two remind me a lot of this mother and son I met before." He told them, they nodded.

"What were their names?" The air bender asked, the elder sighed.

"Kuzon and Sapphire Fire, I heard about her husband dying even." He solemnly said, the two younger adults started laughing. "What?" He questioned, the water bender spoke.

"That's the thing, we were 'them'. My brother's even 'Wang Fire'." She told him, he laughed.

"Right, anyway come. There's two teachers who'd like to see you..." They nodded, as they walked in.


The female got jealous at the sight of the other, her husband assured her it's fine. "Well, you're working here On Ji." He laughed, she looked at him.

"Kuzon?" She asked, he nodded with a 'kinda' gesture.

His wife laid her chin on his shoulder, "Kinda, my name's not really Kuzon as you can probably tell." He laughed, she did too.

"So, I take it Kya and Bumi are your children?" She smiled, he nodded. "Right, they were doing a bit unwell in school... But as you're an old friend, I'll fix that." He thanked her, then as she passed by she gave him a wink. This triggered his wife a lot, it was obvious he was married but she still did that?!

"On Ji I'd appreciate it if you don't, y'know, wink at me." He attempted to plead, she just came over to him.

"Why not? C'mon, you could do better." She flirted, he sighed.

"Of course I could." He fakely flirted back, the water bender was on the verge of tears...

"So, what do you say?" She wooed, indicating a date between them. He lyingly nodded, then his wife walked out of the room with tears in her eyes.


The married couple met again outside, he approached her. "Sweetie!" He exclaimed happily, she walked on.

"Thanks(!)" She just got onto her husband's sky bison, they then arrived home...


"Sweetie, what's wrong?" He questioned, she glared at him. Her eyes red, from crying so much. "Sweetie, are you okay?" He added, she walked in.

"You wouldn't even care, you're too busy with your stupid girlfriend." She told him, he looked at her. She took his lies seriously, this was a mistake that would lead to much worse.


"Are you okay, Sweetie? Please, I want to know." He begged, he took a glance.

"If it matters to you, which it probably doesn't, I'm pregnant and he'll be an air bender." She said, his face lit up.

"Oh my spirits!" He shouted, she rolled her eyes. "Sweetie, you probably need to hear this." He sighed, she looked at him.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

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