Long distance becoming short distance

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The water bender lied down, she was on face time and drinking. "What's that you're drinking?" He asked, "Cactus juice." She joked, he rolled his eyes. "My girlfriend, always the joker." He laughed, she did too. "Oh, I miss you. I wish I could see you, again." He joked this time, she snickered. Between laughs, she spoke. "Again?" She questioned, he laughed. "Yeah, it's not like we've ever seen each other face to face." He sighed, she did too. They then had to go...


The next day, she called her boyfriend. "Hey there." She told him, he smiled and waved. "Wait, where are you?" She added, "Airport, I'm going on holiday." He lied, she nodded. Then, in his first language, it said an announcement. He got going, "By the way, can you go to the airport nearest to you?" He questioned, subtly. She nodded, confused. "So, what's the big deal with me going to the airport nearest to me?" She asked, he laughed. "Not telling you, it's a surprise."


She arrived at the airport, "What's the surprise?" She asked herself, she heard a familiar voice. "Oh I wonder(!)" They said, she looked up to find her boyfriend there. "Sweetie?!" She asked, crying. "Hey, don't cry! That wasn't my intention..." He told her, she just pressed her lips to his. He did the same, "So, this is your holiday?" She questioned, "Nope, me and my family have decided to move here." "Good, because three years of long distance is too long." They laughed...

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