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"Are you okay, Bumi?" The Avatar asked his son, he shook his head. "What's wrong?" He questioned, extremely worried.

"Kids at my school are bullying me..." He confessed, his father gave him a hug.

"Do you know why?" He queried, the non bender nodded. "Why?" He added, the boy sniffled.

"Because I'm your son." He confessed, the air bender looked at him.

"That doesn't make sense-" He sighed, his son nodded.

"It does, you're the Avatar and I'm a stupid non bender." He told him, hurting the adult a lot. "You're probably ashamed that I'm your son," he added. Tears streamed down his face, as he said this.

"I'm not ashamed, I'm anything but. Bumi, when your mother told me you'd be a non bender... I wasn't mad, I was confused. Yet, I didn't care, you are my son and nothing will change that." He smiled, his son wrapped his arms around him.


The water bender arrived back from her White Lotus business, her husband came to her. "Hey." She laughed slightly, he kissed her hair.

"Hey, y'know I love you right? I'm so happy you're my wife and the mother of my children." He wrapped his hands on her, she kissed him.

"I'm so happy that I am." She admitted, she then looked at him worried. "Listen, I heard Bumi's being bullied. I'll have a talk with him, to make sure he's okay." She suggested, he nicely put his index finger to her lips.

"No need, when you were away I already did." She smiled, then gave him another kiss. He joined it, happily.

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