Relieved pt1

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The water bender woke up, she sighed as she didn't see her husband anywhere. An Air Acolyte came, "Good morning Master Katara." She said, she smiled.

"Thank you so much." The acolyte also smiled then went downstairs, she picked up her daughter.

The girl smiled, her mother did too. Her husband then came, "See you later, Sweetie." He said, kissing her cheek.

"Doubt it..." She whispered to herself, he then got going. 


He read a book, his brother-in-law came. "You already have one son, how hard will this one be?" He asked, the air bender glared.

"But Bumi's a non bender, this one will be an air bender. I need help, at this point in time I'm the last." He stated, his best friend then kept looking.


The water bender sat down, her two born children lied down with her. "Mom, you okay?" Her son asked, she nodded.

"Yeah, I just miss your father. He's never around anymore." She sighed, he was worried about her mother.


The Avatar walked around, then a woman much younger than him approached him. "Hey." She said, smirking.

He nudged her out of the way, "I have a wife." He stated, to her even though she ignored that.

"I don't care." She replied, pulling him towards her. She then kissed him, instantly he backed away but it was too late.


The water bender saw the picture, she cried of course. "You okay, Master Katara?" An Air Acolyte asked, as she saw her taking off her necklace. She lyingly nodded, hurt.

She then sighed, just before her sister-in-law came. "'Tara!" She shouted, she came down.


"Take that picture down." He begged, the person shook his head.

"You just don't want your wife to see it, do you Avatar?" He asked, the air bender begged more.

"Take. It. Down. Now." He shouted, yet again he shook his head.

"Listen, just because you don't want to have your wife seeing you cheat." He stated, the Avatar sighed.

"Listen, it's a lie." He mentioned, the person rolled his eyes.


The water bender sighed, "It's gonna be okay." The warrior told her, she rolled her eyes.

"Says the person in a happy marriage, with no cheating." She said, mad.

"Listen, Aang waited almost a year to be with you. He wouldn't do this to you." She mentioned, the bender ignored that.


The air bender then arrived home and saw his wife, her eyes red from tears. He ran to her, she looked him in the eye. "We're done..."

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