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modern au, toph thinks aang & katara r dating between their backs...

The earth bender walked over to the fire bender, "Yes, Toph?" He asks, "I'm a bit suspicious of Sugar Queen and Twinkle-Toes, they always seem to be meeting." She told him, "Toph, drop it." He said, closing his locker. "Fine." She said, humphing and walking to class. Her best friend was texting someone, "Who's that?" She asked, her best friend blushed. "N- no one." She stated, the blind girl attempted to roll her eyes. The lesson then started, swiftly as the teacher walked in.

"So, wanna go to the beach?" The blind girl asked, "Sorry, me and Aang are hanging out." She said, the girl nodded. They then went, "How about tomorrow?" She queried, "Sorry, this whole week me and Aang are hanging out." She answered, the girl got even more suspicious. The water bender then started texting someone again, no one except the air bender she was 'friends' with... She then put her phone down and arrived at the park, she would meet him.

Little did they know, the earth bender was with her boyfriend who was the girl's brother. The air bender waved. She ran along, "Hmm, seems interesting." The non bender said, his girlfriend agreed. The two benders got pretty close, she even rested with him. "Y'know, we need to tell them eventually." He said, she sighed. "You're right, it's just- my brother will be mad." She tells him, he gave her a kiss. "Oogies." The non bender said, disgusted. They then went over there...

"Well, well, well." The earth bender said, the two benders looked at them. "Dang, my best friend and sister seem to be a couple. What's going to happen next? Zuko proposes to Mai?!" He asks, rhetorically. They blush, "Sorry, we just thought you'll be mad." They said, "Oh I am, furious. But you deserve each other just like Yue and Suki, even though I dated them both first." He says, shaking his head. They then left, "I love you, Sweetie." She said, "I love you, too Sweetie." 

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