The unknown

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this is an among us au, bcs i was in a kataang & among us mood rn... there is no bending obviously, & ships r maiko, sukka & kataang as theyre the best imo (switches from aangs & kataras pov) !trigger warning: includes m*rd*r, not descriptive but its still there!

Aang's POV

I walked around with my girlfriend, she looked at me. "You okay?" She asked me, I nodded.

"Yeah, fine. I'm just worried, what if the impostor comes?" I ask, she wraps her arms around me.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from them. Now, I'll be going to med-bay." She then goes to another room as I remember, Zuko's in med-bay?!

It'll be okay, she's not the impostor I'm sure.

Katara's POV

I look at the crew-mate there, he can't know I'm the impostor... I then wince and see the dead body of my friend, "I'm sorry Zuko, but I had to do it." I then walk off, to find myself in the Cafeteria.

"What is it?" My brother asks, I speak.

"I saw Azula kill Zuko in med-bay!" I state, she folds her arms.

"Not true! I was in navigation!" She shouts, the girl in black tuts.

"Azula always lies, remember that." She says, I nod.

I hear loads of people say they're voting her and I smirk slightly, "Good job 'Tara." My brother puts his hand on my shoulder, I smile normally.

Aang's POV

I walk around reactor, knowing three people have died so far. Then, I see another body which breaks me as it's my sister figure. I then report it, "What's going on?" The girl in in light green asks, I sigh.

"It's Toph, I just saw her dead body." I tell her, she nods.

"That means there's only us four left, we need to stick together." She says, I nod.

"I'll stick with Sokka, you stick with Suki." My girlfriend suggests, I hug her.

"Stay safe," I beg her.

"Don't worry, I will." She smiles and gives me a last kiss before we go our separate ways, I sigh.

Katara's POV

I then get my weapon out, "Hey 'Tara-" I then wince, as I yet again look over to my brother's dead body. I hope he can forgive me, I dunno though.

"What is it now?!" My best friend asks, I sigh.

"I dunno how but Sokka's dead," I lie.

"We were in admin," she admits with a nod of my boyfriend.

"I dunno Suki, you seem kinda suspicious." I say, she looks at me.

"What?!" She shouts, my boyfriend nods.

"Yeah, Suki. You do..." He adds, she then gets ejected.


The boy in orange then realises something, there's only one person left other than him. And he's a crew-mate, then she gets her weapon out. "Stop!" He shouts, she looks at him. "Drop the weapon, Sweetie." He pleads, she does as she's told.

"I'm sorry," she cries.

He puts a hand on her cheek, "You don't want to kill me, do you?" He asks, she shakes her head.

"I love you too much, Sweetie." She tells him, he then gives her a kiss.

Then, the game ends right after that small amount of dialogue...

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