If happy ever after never did exist

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this is kinda angsty, but the kataang is still there i promise!!

Katara's POV

I lied down, my back rested on a rock. Some fire came my way, I evaded it with water bending. I then saw my brother come, with his girlfriend. "'Tara, you good?" He asks, ""Yeah, fine. Just almost got killed by some fire and lightning." I said, sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, then I saw some rocks move and I quickly got in defence. "Sugar Queen, Snoozels and no nickname!" Our friend says, "TOPH!" I shout, wrapping my arms around her. She pats my shoulders, to know it's me for sure. "GAH!" We hear a voice, it sounds a lot like Aang. I run to the figure, it is him!

Aang's POV 

"Hey Katara." I say, she doesn't say anything just hugs me. "Are you okay?" She eventually asked, "Well I did just get almost burnt to a crisp but other than that, yeah." I say, she laughs. We then regroup with the others, "Hey Twinkle-Toes." Toph says, "Hey." I respond, then my best friend comes. "Ooh, looking tall. Those fan girls will be impressed." He jokes, Katara just looks jealous at the mention of them. "So, where's Zuko?" Suki asks, "He's resting, he got pretty knocked out after our fight with Azula." My future love of my life says, I realise what I'm doing and smile.

Katara's POV

The others then get on Appa except me and Aang, "The war isn't over, I suppose." I say, "No, I was so close to taking Ozai's bending but he almost took mine." He confesses, I nod and kiss his forehead. He looks flustered, I laugh nicely at his facial expression. We then get on, "Appa, Yip Yip!" The air bender says. "Hey." He says, "Hey." I mention, laying my head near him. Then a lot-ta fire comes, we evade it. Then our friend jumps out with fire, "ZUKO NO!" My brother shouts, the teen fights his father as we watch. "I gotta help him." The twelve year old says, bravely.

this part is lowkey ib a movie i watched so dont come 4 me, ik its weird & rushed.

Aang's POV

"No." The water bender says, "Listen, I'm the Avatar. It's my duty." I tell her, "I won't let you!" She shouts, "Why?" I ask, "Because-" She states, "Because what?" I shout, she breathes. "Because, I love you Aang!" She admits, I look at her. She is metaphorically crying her eyes out, I lean over towards her. Before going, I give her a long passionate kiss which seems like a second. I then jump down, if this is my last moment. So be it, I want one of my last moments to be kissing my forever girl. Me and my fire bending teacher look at each other, then start fire bending masses...

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