Birthday Temporary Reunion

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hc: once u d!e in the avatar universe, u go to the spirit world. this is from kataras pov for obvious reasons k? also if i put "jinny" that means, im referring to jinora, its just bcs i think shed appreciate a nickname and she said in my dr she doesnt mind being called "jinny"!

I woke up, then my daughter was sitting down. "Good morning!" She said, "Morning." I replied, solemnly. "W-" She realised why I feel so solemn, then my granddaughter came. "Gran Gran, can you come with me?" She asked, I nodded. We approached a line that glowed, "What's this Jinny?" I wondered, "A portal to the Spirit World, I think you'd benefit from it." She told me, smiling. I looked at her, "This isn't some kinda joke, is it?" I asked her, she shook her head. "There's actually two people, who would like to see you there." She said, I rolled my eyes. "Jinny, I've fought people since I was 14. I am not getting weak-" I reminded her, she glared at me.

We went in and I suddenly turned much younger, "I knew this was ridiculous!" I said, then a familiar face was there. "Hello, would you like some tea?" He asked, "Iroh-" I said, running over. "Oh, hello. It's been a while, hasn't it?" He said, I nodded. Then I heard a boomerang being thrown, "DANG IT!" A voice said, he then picked it up. My eyes started to water, "Katara-" The man said, "Sokka-" I replied, I ran to him. "I missed you so much!" I said, "I missed you too, sis." He agreed, then my granddaughter gave him a hug. He looked at her, she looked at him. They look pretty similar, I mean no wonder they're great niece and great uncle... 

 "How's my favourite great niece, mind you I only met one,?" He asked, she gave a thumbs up. "Wait, you know each other?" I asked, "I spoke to them before, plus one person!" She stated, "Sokka I swear if y-" I turned around, "Sw-" I ran faster and kissed him, so happily. He rested his head on mine, "I would say Oogies, but it's been 30 years since you last saw each other." My brother said, he then goes with my granddaughter and Iroh to have some tea. "I missed you-" I said, "I missed you too, every day I thought of you. My forever girl..." He told me, smiling. I then gave him a kiss again, "So, how are Tenzin, Bumi, Kya, Toph and Zuko?" He asked, curiously.

We joined the others with tea, "So, you have no clue how our friends are?" My husband asked, I shook my head. "Tenzin's busier than ever, the same with Bumi. And Kya's staying at an apartment often with Toph's daughter, Lin." (and they were "roommates") I say, "Right, so what are our sons doing then?" He wondered, "Air bending training." I admit, "But Bumi's a non-bender..." He was confused, "Yeah, that's the thing. Because of Harmonic Convergence, 12 years ago, he got air bending." I explain, "Ah, gotcha. So how is the air bending for him?" My brother queries, "He's actually getting his master tattoos tomorrow." Jinora said, smiling proudly. 

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