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The water bender talked to her father, "So, your brother told me you and him are both dating people." He stated, she nodded.

"Yep, you've actually met both of them." She said, smiling. He looked at his daughter, she nodded again.

"Right, so let's meet them...again." He told her, she nodded.

They approached her brother with his girlfriend, "Mr Hakoda, good to meet you again." She said, he thought for a moment.

"You're the girl from the Boiling Rock, correct?" He asked, she nodded then bowed.

He bowed back, "Thank you so much, for that day." He told her, she signalled there was no need for thanks.

Then the Avatar swiftly came, "Good to see you, Chief Hakoda." He told him, also bowing.

"I should be bowing to you, nice to see you again Avatar." He mentioned, the air bender did a smile.

"No need for formalities for me, do not worry." He requested, the man nodded. He then turned around to the water bender, "Sweetie, you okay?" He queried, she nodded.

"Ah, I see what you mean by I have met you both." The adult noted, she gestured a 'yes'.

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